Spain falls defeated by Belarus – Women’s basketball

Belarus defeats Spain on the first day of the Eurobasket of Spain and France

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Spain loses to Belarus on the first day of the Eurobasket of Spain and France

He closed the day at Fonteta the Spanish selection who was facing Belarus. Spain started very cold in the game, with a very good defensive approach but with very few ideas in attack. Lucas Mondelo it made fast rotations but did not hit the key. Belarus playing more clearly managed to go 14-9 at the end of the first ten minutes.

The minutes passed and the sensations were still very strange. It was not until the beginning of the third quarter that Spain found a little light in their game and managed to go 4 up, 25-29. Four of difference that seemed a world considering the score so short. Belarus with a very successful Bentley and Papova in attack turned the scoreboard and went 2 up, 35-33, at the end of the third quarter.

In the last ten minutes, Spain tightened. La Fonteta pushed (a greater push from the Spanish fans was missed) and Cristina Ouviña Y Laura Gil They responded by tying the game at 49.

Belarus was ahead from 4.60 after scoring the two Papovas, but Ouviña responded in the other ring. Tie at 51 with 8 seconds to go. Belarus time out to prepare for the last play. The ball reaches Bentley who manages to score giving the victory to Belarus on the horn.

Hard defeat in the debut of Spain in the Eurobasket of Spain and France. He will have to recover and compose himself to face the second and decisive match against Sweden.

#EurobasketWomen Spain and France 2021: Spain is defeated by Belarus

Published by elecapo87

Specialist in MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) and online training. I also give to marketing, social networks and content. When I don’t do that, I watch and comment on series. And I’m always on the side of women’s basketball.
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