Seven medals for Ibiza in the U-13 and U-17 nationals

Photo of the under-13 riders from Eivissa with their medals. | BI

This weekend, in two groups with different destinations, several of the young talents of the pitiuso badminton quarry traveled to play the Spanish championships in their respective categories.

The under-17s traveled to Estrada, in Galicia, to play their Spanish championship, while, on the other hand, the young under-13 players traveled to Benalmádena (Málaga) to play their national event.

In both competitions, the Ibizan representatives gave great performances with good results, managing to bring a total of seven medals to the island, including three gold, two silver and two bronze.

In the sub-13 category, Yaidel Gil and Sofía García won a gold medal in mixed doubles;  to which Yaidel Gil added a silver in men’s singles, in addition to the two bronzes obtained by Sofía García, in women’s singles, and Alex Tur, in men’s doubles.

In the competition in Galician lands of the sub-17, Ricardo Rettig, gold in men’s doubles were awarded; Fernanda Munar, gold in women’s doubles, to which was added a silver by Rettig in the men’s singles modality.

Likewise, we must highlight the good role played by the athletes Sofía García, Alex Tur and Yulien Gil, who are part of the Monitoring Program of the Consell Insular de Ibiza.

These three young athletes have achieved by themselves four of the seven medals of the total booty that the Ibizan representation has taken in the two Spanish championships that have been held throughout the weekend in Galicia and Andalusia, which gives to understand the high level of play shown once again at the state level by the productive pool of badminton talents coming out of Ibiza.



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