Roland-Garros 2021 – The public evacuated before the curfew? “I didn’t like it but it’s beyond us …”, according to Berrettini

The evening had started with smiles and a renewed sense of lightness. It had continued to the cheers and olas of the crowd. It ended under the whistles and then in cathedral silence. Funny evening experienced at Roland-Garros this Wednesday: first magnified by the presence of a boiling audience and frankly enthusiastic about the proposed show, the Djokovic-Berrettini poster found its epilogue behind closed doors, the fault of a forced evacuation just before 11 p.m. to respect the new curfew schedule.

Four hours earlier, we were a long way from it all. In the sweetness of a Parisian summer evening, nearly 5,000 spectators had therefore responded to the call for this historic evening. Inaugurated for this 2021 vintage, the night session finally found its raison d’être by welcoming an audience enticed by the idea of ​​following this explosive quarter-final.


A (huge) cry in the night: “I evacuated all this tension”, admits Djokovic


But a particular audience, more suit and tie than bob and sunscreen. “We don’t have to take any time off to come“, Loïc laughed, a beer in hand at aperitif time. An argument heard in all mouths.”We had deliberately chosen the night session because between the work, the schedules of each one, it is clearly the simplest“, summarized Nicolas.

Philippe Chatrier court during the first night session with public, June 9, 2021

Credit: Getty Images

“Davis Cup atmosphere”, “electric”

In my time playing tennis, I’ve always loved the US Open Night Session so it’s cool to have it here, we had also explained Skander, come for his birthday. I understand that the organizers were slow to make this decision but as a fan it’s great“. “We expect a special atmosphere“, Nicolas added. She was. For 2h30 …

Despite two one-sided sets for his rival, Matteo Berrettini let himself be carried by the crowd to attempt a rebellion. And it almost took. “Honestly, it was almost a Davis Cup atmosphere, with a lot of active supporters and every point ending with screams and encouragement., admitted after the fact a Novak Djokovic never insensitive to the crowd. It was truly an electric atmosphere. (…) The crowd sublimated my opponent because he played really powerful tennis, especially in the third and fourth set where he served incredibly hard and precise.The critical moment was then approaching as the growing dark sky reinforced the dramaturgy of the duel.

It was 10:30 p.m. when the Italian snatched the third set from the Serbian and restarted a game that was begging to ignite. But reality quickly took over. At the end of the set, a discreet announcement reminded spectators of the rules in force. New message, more urgent, at 10:45 pm: “Curfew coming into effect at 11:00 p.m. Ladies and Gentlemen, please make your arrangements“Absolute bronca and malicious resistance from some:”We will stay“, we were able to hear in particular. But the party was coming to an end.

22h54 : “we thank you for leaving the stadium“, then displays the giant screen of the stadium.”Are we going out or not ?“, asks in the wake of Novak Djokovic to the referee, visibly in a hurry to return to the locker room. 22h56: Marc Maury, the announcer of Roland-Garros, announces that the game is suspended. End of the ball and forced departure.

In the heat of an evening that could still rise in temperature, the two players take a forced break of nearly 20 minutes as Roland empties himself of his disappointed spectators. A frustrating situation, which displeased the Italian. “I’m gonna tell the truth, I think it’s a shame, he admitted straight away. Making the audience leave, I didn’t like it but it’s beyond us… It’s not like I have the power to change things, I just had to adapt. Hoping that the Covid and these situations will end soon. It’s not the worst thing that has happened in the past year. It’s just more frustrating cause I felt I had the momentum“.

Spectators leave Roland-Garros at curfew time

Credit: Getty Images

The rest is a well-known story. A break to restart the machine and Djokovic won. “Honestly, I didn’t mind leaving the court as I felt I needed a little break to take stock and regenerate myself., explained the Djoker. Yes, it’s unfortunate for the tournament, for the public to have this curfew. But we knew it before the match, the referee had explained to us that if we approached 11 p.m., he would have to empty the stadium. This is what happened“Unfortunately for the privileged 5,000 who were able to witness the beginnings of a revolution in Roland.

Because, finally, this appetizer, so frustrating, also calls for magical evenings expected of all. “With a full stadium, next year it will be greatSkander had said before the hostilities, as if he felt the blow coming. He is right. And we can not wait.


The cheat sheet: Djoko has regained (almost) all his composure before his ultimate challenge



Funny evening but Djoko will have his dream semi-final



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