Rocío Ledesma was 7th in England

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Yesterday the IBSA GP (reserved for the visually impaired) of judo was played, Warwick, a town near Birmingham, in England.

BIG RIVER.- Rocío Ledesma (14th in the world ranking) participated in it, who was in 7th place in -52 kilos (there were 9 participants), after falling by two ippon with the German Ramona Brussig (6th) -in fourth final- and with the Ukrainian Nataliya Nicolaychyk (21st) -in the first round of the playoffs-, after 2:16 and 0:21, respectively.

In the final, the Uzbek Sevinch Salaeva (3rd; 3 wins and no losses) defeated the Azerbaijani Basti Safarova (7th; 2-1), and the bronzes were held by the aforementioned Brussig (2-1) and Nikolachyk (3 -1), winners -respectively- of the Canadian Priscilla Gagne (2nd; 1-2) and the Brazilian Karla Cardoso (13th; 0-3). Cynthia Simón (USA, 15th; 0-2) also finished 7th, and Brazilian Marías Dos Santos (20th) came 9th (0-1).

The Argentine delegation will return to the country on Tuesday 22.


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