Reinaldo Rueda: statements, tie, Qatar World Cup 2022, Argentina – International Football – Sports

Reinaldo Rueda analyzes this Tuesday’s match on the eighth date of the tie at Qatar World Cup 2022 against Argentina.

Morelos. He has already tested negative and is returning to activities with us. All the rest of the team is fine, apt.

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The mood.
We are living different moments. The game of Colombia and the result helps to strengthen emotionally. You have to keep your feet on the ground, because we are facing a strong Argentina. We must have a lot of concentration, good football and play with intensity.

Changes. The response of the players after the game is different. We continue with the debt, we have a deficit, we must be attentive to the movements.

Payroll: The idea is that we do not have problems. I think there are no physical problems. The idea is to improve, to demand ourselves and that a good game can be done against Argentina. You have to have concentration and play with disposition.

Daniel Muñoz. Very beaten. He lamented, kept crying, bitter about the situation. The next day of the game we met and he has been assimilating. He has the backing of everyone. That has made it stronger.

The idea against Argentina. It is an intelligence game, to solve situations with clear concepts. We know about the virtues of Argentina in all its lines. Scaloni has done a reengineering job, putting in almost 14 new players.

Improvements. All the parties leave questions and positive answers. The great disposition and character against Peru were key. It is important to know the players, to recover the memory, to know that we were playing a rebirth.

The archers. The focus has always been. An assessment of the eligible men is made, we already have the follow-up of the archers. There has been no space for new meetings. We are recruiting the information with the archery technicians of the country. It is a delicate specialization that of the goalkeeper in Colombia.

Tie? Everything happens by how we play. You have to do final practice and be smart to face the game. All that will depend on the result. You enter the field to win, but first you have to play.

Cardona and Campaz. The two are players who were last linked to the National Team. They are in specific controls. Jaminton was not with us for the Colombia Cup with Tolima a few months ago. He has had a good season with his club and we have appreciated it.

Luis Díaz, Colombia vs. Peru

More security. We evaluate all these situations and thinking about the best decisions. It is a question of reviewing the benefits of the rival, how our men are going to react.

Wílmar Barrios. All the players, and more he, with his experience and others, is a man with a great option to contribute to the National Team. Everything is positive for us. It is a different game, with other characteristics.

Play against Messi. The style of play does not go through altering the system. With Messi, because you have to have all the situations analyzed because of the great difference it makes. Many have faced it, they know it and it is necessary to play a game of collective solidarity.

Short team? It is one of the premises in contemporary football, a team that has solidarity, that knows how to interpret the moments of the game. Against Argentina is another game, for the moment of them, each game is a different evaluation. We have great pressure for what has been lived.

Probable variants. We have to do a reading of the game because of what the rival raises. The players on the court must define the behavior in the two phases of the game. Fortunately, all the players are international and have that ability.

More summoned? For now, the focus is Argentina. Campaz’s decision, for now, was for the Argentina game. Then, they will work for the Copa América.




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