Portugal-France: it’s Koundé time!

He runs, he runs Jules Koundé. Sunday, during training open to the press, the Sevilla defender impressed observers during the series of split races concocted by Cyril Moine, the physical trainer of the France team, to close the session. While Kingsley Coman lagged behind, Koundé pranced ahead with Corentin Tolisso and Olivier Giroud. A little earlier already, during the six against six opposition organized on a reduced ground, the central defender aligned on the right side, with Lenglet and Zouma, had stood out.

The 22-year-old former Bordelais confirms all the good that the Blues staff have thought of him since the start of the preparation, on May 26. Landed in the skin of a central defender, he has changed into that of a right-back, a position in which Didier Deschamps prefers for the moment to see him evolve with the Blues.

The coach was seduced by his physical skills, but also by his technical quality, because this is not the first time that the native of Paris delivers good training sessions. At Clairefontaine before the Blues flew to Germany, he had already distinguished himself and replaced Pavard on the right during small matches. Even if DD is reluctant to formulate it this way, it is indeed a downgrading for Léo Dubois, who finds himself relegated to third place in the hierarchy of right-backs.

“At ease” as a lateral, according to Deschamps

The coach had also anticipated a tenure during this Euro 2021, by offering his first selection to Jules Koundé during the second period against Wales (3-0). Forty-five rather successful minutes for the La Liga player, who had not needed to work too much defensively against the Welsh reduced to ten. But Deschamps’ objective was above all to relieve him of the pressure of a first tenure with the Blues, never easy to bear. “It was important to be able to give him playing time. I have already seen him perform well in this position, he is comfortable, even if I know that he is a central defender, then reacted Deschamps evoking the Koundé’s performance as a right side. I also took it for this versatility. He was calm, serene. And he’s an advocate. There is nothing to worry about. He also has this volume of play. “

At that time, DD was already planning to use his young defender during this Euro. The time seems to have come, with the need to breathe life into Benjamin Pavard, seriously injured in the head against Germany and again victim of a shock at the start of the match against Hungary. “Jules is very happy, because he is entering the deep end,” explains Charles Tokplé, a former Racing player in the 1970s and Koundé’s great-uncle. I told him : Be yourself, when you go into that locker room, don’t lower your head and look your teammates in the eye. Make them understand that you too have won the Europa League and that you played the C1. Jules replied that he was going to try to find his place. “


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