Olympic Games 2021: the Russian selection

As usual, Ezio Gamba and his staff waited until the last moment to announce the selection for the Olympic Games (July 23-August 8). An officialization which took place live this morning on Youtube.

If the women’s selection presents no surprises, some men’s categories were the subject of real uncertainty with several judokas vying for the Olympic tenure. This was the case in -60kg, -66kg, -73kg, -81kg, -100kg and + 100kg.
Finally, Robert Mshvidobadze, Yakub Shamilov, Musa Mogushkov, Alan Khubetsov, Niiaz Iliasov and Tamerlan Bashaev will fight in Tokyo under the RJF (Russian Judo Federation) banner.

48kg : Irina DOLGOVA
-52kg : Natalia KUZIUTINA
-57kg : Daria MEZHETSKAIA
-63kg : Daria DAVYDOVA
-70kg : Madina TAIMAZOVA
-78kg : Aleksandra BABINTSEVA

-60kg : Robert MSHVIDOBADZE
-66kg : Yakub SHAMILOV
-73kg : Musa MOGUSHKOV
-81kg : Alan KHUBETSOV
90kg : Mikhail IGOLNIKOV
-100kg : Niiaz ILIASOV
+100kg : Tamerlan BASHAEV


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