Nicolò Virginio: “Season of growth. Varese Basketball is my dream “

Continue to swell the growth path of the spearhead of the quarry of the Varese Basketball Nicolò Virginio. The young blue, after a year spent between the first team, C Gold, Excellence with the Under 18 and Next Generation, is entering an increasingly complete dimension of that player that he can become and of the rosy future that he will have in front of him. A future that passes through the constant improvements it is making year after year, passing through increasingly important experiences not only at national but also at European level.

To take the last big step, what better showcase if not there Next Generation that for the second time in this 2021 sees Virginio part of the team that made the three days in Spain last week and that left positive notes to the boy from Varese.
Now the immediate future says championship of Excellence with the Under 18 team, while the closest one could still be in the first team with Openjobmetis, torn between inserting the young Niccolò as tenth in the team or keeping all 5 Italian senators present in the group today. Thoughts that for now do not bother Nicolò, but aware more than ever of how important this summer will be for him.

How was this second experience with the Blue Star in Next Generation after the call a few months ago?
“Like the first time, it was very nice. Obviously, the level of play has now risen compared to the first stage. We went with a slightly undersized team and we suffered from this, but on a human, environmental and background level it was very nice ”.

Out of the three matches which one made the most impression on you between Barcelona, ​​Belgrade and Valencia?
“In terms of personal growth and development, I think the one that helped me the most was the one with Belgrade. I did not start in the quintet, I joined later and when it was my turn I entered by making a mistake in defense that I should not have made because at these levels you must always be ready whether you start in the quintet or start from the bench. This mistake was important to me because it is an aspect of my growth that I have to take care of a lot and that will be useful to me. It was also a great match against Valencia ”.

The C Gold championship has just ended for you at Academy. What was the experience of playing a senior league of this level as a protagonist?
“What I bring with me is a growth in terms of tactics. You find yourself in front of teams made up of much bigger players and where they do not arrive with the technique they often go for cunning or experience and it is something that I, a young player, lack. More than once 30-35 year olds have managed to “cheat” me with experience “.

Now Nicolò opens an important summer for you and it is rumored that you can leave Academy to take a further step forward in your personal growth, perhaps entering the rotations of the 10 of the first team. What are your thoughts on the future today? The idea of ​​being part of the Varese first team as a tenth do you like?
“I also read the news of Varese’s idea of ​​joining the first team. Obviously in my opinion this summer will be fundamental for me. I know that I have to grow a lot on a physical level to get ready for what will be my next experience. Personally, I would love to be part of the first team even as a tenth. Varese is my city and my home, I know that I still have a lot of work to do and the road is long, but I would really like this hypothesis very much ”.

Alessandro Burin


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