National women’s mini basketball competition ends

THE Ministry of Education (MINED) in coordination with the Nicaraguan Institute of Sports(IND), promote women’s mini basketball sports meeting at the national level, to continue strengthening integral, active and stimulating learning in students, through games, movement, permanent and maximum application of all their senses.

Milton Guzmán in charge of Culture and Sports of the Ministry of Education (MINED), and member of the technical commission of women’s mini basketball, said «The mini women’s basketball competition is completed in which 80 athletes participated, from the departments of Estelí, Chinandega, Managua, Carazo, Jinotega, Bluefields and Puerto Cabezas ».

«We thank the President Commander Daniel Ortega Saavedra and the Vice President, Compañera Rosario Murillo for their support, we have been at the forefront of the sport in this discipline of basketball in the ages of 6 to 12 years, giving the seed to Nicaraguan sport so that they have the sporting future, “added Milton.

The award was given to the team from the “Roberto Clemente” School in the City of Sandino in Managua, second place to the “Gabriela Mistral” School in Jinotega, and 3rd place to the “More Life” school in the department of Estelí.

Nahomi Rodriguez, from the team of Roberto Clemente School of Ciudad Sandino, expressed feeling happy and always motivated to continue participating in these competitions.


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