Merlier and Philipsen go for stage victory: “In the morning we determine the lead-out” | Tour

Alpecin-Fenix ​​will start in France with two Belgian sprinters. Tim Merlier and Jasper Philipsen are both eager to win a stage in the Tour. “I know I’m strong enough to win a stage,” said Merlier.

Merlier: “I want to sprint as much as possible”

Tim Merlier will start his first Tour de France tomorrow, just like Mathieu van der Poel. The goal of the Belgian sprinter is to win at least one stage. “I would like to sprint as much as possible, but I have no idea yet how many stages that will be. A stage win would make me super happy.”

His team, Alpecin-Fenix, is already providing a solid sprint train. “The order of the train should be as follows: Mathieu, Jonas and Jasper. Jonas Rickaert will be the most important pawn,” says Merlier.

In addition to Alpecin-Fenix, Deceuninck-Quick Step and Lotto-Soudal are also at the start with a strong team for the bunch sprints. “All three of us have a strong lead-out in this Tour, the first bunch sprint will make it clear who has the fastest train.”

My focus is the 200 meter sign, I don’t look at other sprinters

Tim Merlier

“I’m not afraid of anyone, I mainly look at myself. My focus is on the 200 meter sign, I don’t look at another sprinter. If I can do my own sprint, I know I’m strong enough to complete a stage. to win.”

Within the team there is of course another sprinter who can finish it, namely Jasper Philipsen. “In the morning we will discuss as a team who will play lead-out for whom. If we have to cross some mountains during the ride, Jasper will be stronger than me in the end.”

Merlier absolutely wants to sprint on the Champs-Elysées and is not afraid of the time limit in the mountain stages. “There are a lot of sprinters and lead-outs here at the start, so maybe we can form a bigger gruppetto.”

Tim Merlier won a stage in the Giro this year.

Philipsen: “I hope the knee holds up”

Jasper Philipsen also starts with the ambition to win a stage. “There are many opportunities for the sprinters in this Tour. The form is good and my knee is also going well for the time being, I hope it stays that way.”

Philipsen mainly leaves it up to the team to decide who will sprint. “The team will look at all the data, the profile of the stage and decide based on that. We will stick to it.”

My personal ambition is to win a stage here

Jasper Philipsen

“Of course I also have my own ambition to win a stage here. After my stage win in the Vuelta, the Tour was already in my head. I’m really looking forward to it.”

“Tim has the advantage that he can start from afar in the sprint and maintain his speed for a long time. I have to follow a little longer and use my explosiveness later in the sprint.”

Unlike Merlier, Philipsen does have ambitions to go for the green jersey, although that will not be for this year. “It is certainly still on the schedule in the coming years, but this year it is not an option. We have different goals as a team.”

Jasper Philipsen crashed heavily in the Tour of Belgium.

Lead-out Rickaert: “I will also play team captain”

Whether it’s Merlier or Philipsen, at Alpecin-Fenix ​​they count on Jonas Rickaert to form the lead-out in the sprint. “My role is mainly to support the team in the sprints. Also in the first week I want to put Mathieu van der Poel in a good position.”

“I will also play team captain within the team. It’s nice that I can take on that task. The goal is certainly not to win a stage myself. First I want to help my teammates to win a stage, then I could play a more free role to get.”


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