Lluís Cortés leaves Barça for women

Lluís Cortés will not continue coaching Barça women’s

Lluís Cortés leaves Barça women’s. The Barça coach, after leading a historic treble, leaves the team a week after the Barça captains, on behalf of the entire staff, officially communicated to the board of directors of Joan Laporta his dissatisfaction with the coach of a team has conquered the Champions, League and Cup. The players wanted to make it clear so there is a divorce between them and the coaching staff. Although they urged the board to move tab as soon as possible, the club initially decided to keep, the coach who will finally not follow next week.

According to ‘Mundo Deportivo’, the coach communicated his decision to the players before the last match this morning at the Johan Cruyff Stadium against Eibar, the last of a historic season that is overshadowed by this end. “It is normal for conflicts and moments of greater tension to appear in a team with so much competitive demand and so much emotional charge. These are situations that need to be resolved internally and we have been working on them for some time, “Cortés said last week after the conflict transpired.



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