Karim Benzema or the real comeback against Germany

Published on : 14/06/2021 – 17:01

Karim Benzema, who made his return to Blue after more than five years without a selection, will obviously be the player to watch in the first meeting against Germany on 15 June in Munich for the first game of the France team in Euro 2021. The Real Madrid player appeared for the last time in a major competition, during the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, against the Nationalmannschaft, who won 1-0 against the Blues in the quarterfinals final.

« I don’t have much doubt about what it will bring. Time will tell, but I have no doubt about it. He’s a great striker who loves movement. I did not know him, and he is a good guy who integrated well into the group “. For Kylian Mbappé, the other star of the Blues, the contribution of Karim Benzema within the workforce sounds obvious.

Forget the 2014 World Cup in Brazil

The Real Madrid player, who took part without scoring in the last two friendlies with the France team against Wales and Bulgaria, will pass his first real test against Germany, in the enclosure of the ‘Allianz-Arena in Munich.

Since the 2014 World Cup in Brazil and the quarter-final lost to the Germans, Benzema has not taken on such a responsibility in Blue during a major competition. At the time, lacking in realism, he had missed his appointment with history against the Nationalmannschaft of Joachim Löw, victorious (1-0), at the prestigious Maracana stadium in Rio.

Benzema had been very convincing until then, with 3 goals and 2 assists in five games. From Brazil, Benzema must regret these last moments of the meeting where, after a one-two with Olivier Giroud, he decided to hit hard under the bar but found the firm hand of Manuel Neuer.

Looking for a title with the Blues

« There is always room for improvement. But the main thing is to be present and make a difference in important matches », says the former Lyonnais today, certainly the best French player of his generation, victim of a crutch in the thigh facing Bulgaria and who will be well suited to face the Germans.

Since the World Cup in Brazil, water has flowed under the bridges and Benzema has become the essential player of the “White House”. His record, including four Champions League and three Spanish Championships is eloquent, in a club where it is not easy to settle. “Winning the Euro is a goal, of course, it’s on my way, it’s in my head, now we know it’s difficult, it’s not won in advance. I’m super motivated, prepared, and I’m just waiting for this “, Explained the former banned on TF1, sharp as ever.

“It’s nice to see him come back”, says with a smile a supporter of the Blues while not far from him, a German, Barça jersey on the shoulders, ensures that his team does not intend to be impressed by the striker of Real.

The surprise guest on Didier Deschamps’ list for the Euro, who wore the Blues jersey 83 times, maliciously dodged questions about the trigger for his return to Blue. But he will not be able to miss a good performance against the Germans to finally turn the page.

« No, I am not stressed at all. I’m super happy to be there, to come back to the France team again », he confessed during a press briefing for the Blues. Benzema, in his thirties, who plays the most beautiful football of his career, has never won any trophy with the Blues. He knows there is a chance to finally shine, with the two-star jersey on his shoulders.

Euro 2020: schedule and results



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