Juventus fears Paris for Pogba, Manchester United worries!

Zapping Our Mondial Top 10: the best scorers in the history of PSG

Where will Paul Pogba play next season? This is the question that agitates the press across the Channel, while the Mirror announces that the French player should not renew his contract with Manchester United. The Frenchman’s lease expires at the end of the next season and the Reds Devils are trying everything to convince their star to sign an extension, under penalty of seeing the player landed against more than 90 million euros in 2015 to leave. free next summer. The English club would therefore like to separate from its player this summer to obtain financial compensation.


A PSG-Juventus war?

Something to salivate the contenders for the arrival of Paul Pogba. Among the clubs interested is his former club Juventus Turin. La Vieile Dame wants to bring the French back to Italy and could see the conclusion of this file be intimately linked to PSG. Indeed, according to Tuttosport, the arrival of Paul Pogba could only be done in the event of the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the destinations envisaged is none other than… Paris. Above all, the capital club could become a serious competitor, they who also wish to secure the services of the French world champion. A three-beat waltz should begin between its three clubs during the summer.

Paul Pogba at the heart of a three-part market

The Manchester United player is set to leave England this summer. To welcome him, Juventus Turin is a favorite, but will have to deal with PSG. The Old Lady must first part ways with Cristiano Ronaldo to consider a transfer.


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