Jules Jalabert, the son of a legend on the Tour of Cameroon

Published on : 02/06/2021 – 13:29

On the roads of the Cycling Tour of Cameroon, one name attracts attention: Jalabert. Jules Jalabert, son of Laurent Jalabert, former great French champion winner among others of the Tour of Spain and the World Championship. This young 19-year-old runner is still looking for his way. Meet.

In cycling, Jules Jalabert, the son of the famous French rider Laurent Jalabert, world number one in his discipline from 1995 to 1997 then in 1999, is on the Tour of Cameroon in the Team Ufusport team.

It is at the start of the 4th stage, between Loum and Limbé, that we meet him. A 19-year-old student in sports marketing, while laughing, he unfolds his cycling journey for us. ” I’ve been riding a bike for a year. For now, I’m doing it for fun. I did a few races in the third category last summer to find out what it was like to ride in the peloton. Then, I did cyclo-sports. And this year, I took a license in the second category. »

« I’m still just an amateur »

For today’s race, Jules, who is 25th overall, aims to improve his ranking. But nothing will go as planned. ” Ten kilometers from the finish, I took a hell of a hole. I blew up my rear tire and broke the derailleur. I had to go home with the broom wagon and they told me ‘abandon’. But, fortunately, after arrival, I was reclassified. So more fear than harm. »

Even if he is finally ranked 44th (out of 56 riders) in the general classification, Jules believes that by hard work, he will one day equal the 138 titles won by his father, during his rich career. ” My father was really at the top level, several times world number one. Me, I am still only an amateur. We will have to continue training and be able to read the races, save time, and we’ll see. But, yes, why not ? »



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