Judo – Justus von Liebig Elementary School – Monday 14.06.

Date Time

Date(s) – 14/06/2021
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Justus von Liebig Elementary School

No categories

In small groups we are allowed to do contact sports again.
Furthermore, taking into account the applicable hygiene regulations and safety measures.
It is still important to keep your distance.

In closed rooms (i.e. already when entering the building) always wear a mouth and nose coveringThe only exception to this is the time when you are immediately exercising (i.e. from stepping on the mat, from the start of dance lessons, from the start of fitness exercises, etc.)

Participation restriction to 20 participants up to 14 years

Please register in advance for the training of your choice. (By specifying “training participant”, “telephone contact person”, “email contact person”)



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