Italian Sand Basket Federation: Project started in Germany and Spain

After Denmark (soon the first event), theSouth America (the first steps were taken in Brazil) el’India, now it’s the turn of Spain e Germany. And so the Sand Basket is now depopulated around the world.

The charm of basketball on the sand is in fact conquering everyone. Indiscriminately. For Spain the role of referent has been entrusted to Juan De Mesa e Mario lopez: “We joined the project because it represents the union of two of our great passions: we are big basketball fans and we love the beach. We escape the city whenever we can, in order to reach the nearest seaside resort and enjoy the sun, the sand and the company of friends – said the two representatives of Spain -.

The opportunity to establish and increase a reality like Sand Basket in Spain is a source of great inspiration, so our goal is to bring it to the most iconic Spanish cities such as Barcelona, The palms e Saint Sebastian. We will organize weekend tournaments as a first step, however the idea is to reach a national league thanks to the support of advertising campaigns and legendary players with whom we are already in contact“.

From Spain to Germany, where the Sand Basket events will be managed by the Italian Alessio Paoletti: “I have always been a great basketball fan, I have been playing since I was 12 years old and despite my work having made me change country several times I have always managed to cultivate and increase the love for this sport”- the account of the representative of Germany who then adds -.

Sand is a brilliant idea that combines the pleasure of the beach with basketball, as well as reinforcing the concept of team thanks above all to the absence of dribbling. I believe that sport should not only entertain but also spread certain values, and we all know today how important it is to know how to be in a team. My idea is to collaborate with beach volleyball colleagues, already protagonists of past events, and create a long weekend of sports on the sand.

The first event will be on the Lake Constance, to then try to expand the movement until the creation of a “Bundesliga” of Sand Basket. Lake Constance is the main German bathing area, we are sure that the lake, the Alps and the “Italian” temperature will be an enchanting backdrop for a fun and dynamic event”.


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