Il Falchi reopens on Saturday for two thousand people It is an opportunity to celebrate the champions

The glance of the derby on 25 December 2019 will remain unique for a long time. But the reopening of the facilities to the public, including the sports halls, is a message of hope for the future. It will start tonight, at the Segafredo Arena, the home plant of Virtus that is looking for a new beginning.

And there will be a new beginning on Saturday, at Gianni Falchi, also for the Italian champions of Fortitudo Baseball. It will be played in an open venue and, moreover, capable of over two thousand seats which, usually, are only occupied on special occasions. Saturday is the double confrontation with Bolzano (15.30 and 20.30): UnipolSai and the club president, Pierluigi Bissa, have thought of a single ticket. Also because at 8 pm the rings will be delivered to the champions in full NBA or Major League style.

a. gal.


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