“I was ready to give up. I thought I was going to retire”

Mr. June, that’s the nickname that got Reggie Jackson thanks to its magnificent playoffs. While his odds were at their lowest when he left Detroit last season, part of the reason the Clippers made it to the conference finals were thanks to him. Since he was established in Game 3 against Jazz, he has turned 19 points at 50% including 41.9% at 3-pts. Then since Kawi Leonard is injured, he turns 22.5 points at 49.1% including 35.3% from far and 4 assists.

“He really saved us, the whole year,” says Chauncey Billups, assistant to the Clippers. “He put big shoot after big shoot, he did it action after action.”

This Mr. June is a reference to the nickname given to another Reggie Jackson, MLB legend, twice World Series MVP and who was given the nickname Mr. October since he shone during the month of October, month of World Series. If there is still a way to go before having the aura of his namesake, Jackson lives again during these playoffs.

“Honestly, this team gave me responsibilities. Throughout my career, I have tried to do the right deed without necessarily being myself, without playing while being liberated. But the more I am, the more the team gives me the power to be me, and I get to be successful. ” Reggie Jackson

The rear is well in his sneakers, he who arrived at the end of the season last year at the Clippers. He was able to take his marks better this season, and he has become an important player in the squad. It is especially very appreciated.

“There’s one thing with Reggie, when he comes in he talks to everyone, he shakes hands with everyone. Really everyone. It doesn’t matter who is present, GM, president, owner, the people in charge of the equipment. He does the same thing every day. He talks to everyone, like, ‘Hi, how are you? Have a nice day.’ He’s like that.” Tyronn Lue

“He’s such an amazing human being. He adapted incredibly well to the Clippers. And it really allows people to see who he really is, to see what he gives off. ” Arnie Kander, close to Jackson, former member of the Detroit front office

Still, less than a year ago, he considered retiring after the Clippers’ terrible failure in the bubble as he told ESPN.

“I was ready to go, ready to give up. I thought I was going to retire because I couldn’t be healthy. ” Reggie Jackson

He has indeed multiplied the physical glitches in Detroit and in the bubble, he was not 100%, hampered by a recalcitrant ankle.

“It was starting to weigh on me.” Reggie Jackson

He was not persuaded to find the motivation to try to recover in good health and to re-pile, also defeated by the scenario of the series vis-a-vis the Nuggets.

“I thought maybe it wasn’t supposed to be like this.” Reggie Jackson

Finally he spent the summer again near Los Angeles with Paul George, a long-time friend, with whom he has spent many summers, but also their group of friends, who have known each other for ten years.

“With Reggie are very close, he’s like a brother to me. He lived with me. He rubbed shoulders with my children. My daughters love it. They really love him. It’s the family.” Paul George

Then according to his brother, Travis, he clicked.

“He hadn’t touched a basketball in months. He was with the guys, and it just happened naturally when they were at P. He did a few shoots and was like, ‘I think I like that.’ He took a few more shots and looking at him I said: ‘There you go, that’s it, you’re ready!’ ”

As the teams finalized their roster before training camp began, he still didn’t have a squad at the start of December, but the Clippers, looking for a fullback, still wanted him and offered him a minimum contract. He finally embarked on this new adventure with the Clippers

“It was a very emotional moment,” says Travis Jackson. I just said to him, “Okay. We do it for the love of the game. We don’t care about anything else. We don’t care about roles and minutes. The only thing we can count on is that we love what we do ”.

“Yep,” Reggie Jackson replied. “I just love what I do.”

If the Clippers’ season could end tonight in the conference finals, Reggie Jackson’s individual season is clearly a success, and his phone could ring pretty well this summer.




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