“I move I enjoy and learn outdoors!”, All the initiatives

The 2021 Municipal Summer Centers of Selvazzano are starting from Monday 14 June to Friday 27 August 2021, closed from 9 to 15 August, from 7.30 to 17, in the Don Angelo Bertolin primary school in via Don Bosco 172 in Tencarola, dedicated to the movement of open air organized by SSD Pippicalzelunghe.

A service to families

«The Summer Centers are an essential service for families – points out the Mayor of the City of Selvazzano Dentro Giovanna Rossiwho, during the period of closure of the schools, have the need to reconcile the times of work with those of childcare. We tried to meet their needs by opening in the morning at 7.30 and giving the opportunity to use the activity until 17.00 and to go out at 13.00 for those with different business needs. Children have the opportunity to learn about new sports, with new playgrounds and various types of routes, linked to the discovery of nature and theater, music and manual skills will also be offered. I trust that the experience of the Recreational Summer Centers will become an important moment of growth to be able to improve through all the activities proposed in a wonderful time that is summer, vacation time and carefree ».

“An all-round educational value”

«Every day workshops, games and new sports are organized – he adds the Councilor for Sport Alberto Flaminio all activities that range in different areas of educational and recreational value, with qualified operators, able to entertain children and respond to the needs of families. An all-round educational value where respect for others, environments and rules becomes the basis for experiencing the group as a form of well-being and sharing ».

The Association, in its 25th year of activity, will propose physical and sporting activities for all girls and boys aged 6 to 13, involving local associations and together with playful activities, theater, music and manual skills are scheduled.

Groups divided by age groups will therefore be able to experience sports and outdoor activities they have never tried: orienteering, rugby, archery and many others.

Weekly participation fee:


euro 60 – without lunch – until 13.00 or euro 100 – with lunch – until 17.00


euro 65 – without lunch – until 13.00 or euro 110 – with lunch – until 17.00

Registration fee: 10 euros – Discount from the second brother 5 euros

For information:

Secretariat tel. 3517720018 office hours

Online registration on www.pippicalzelunghe.org

Email: [email protected]



Selvazzano that … summer joy!



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