How to combat the pain suffered by women during pregnancy

Although pregnancy involves a series of changes in the pregnant woman that can result uncomfortable or painful, there are a series of recommendations from experts and doctors to make the nine months more bearable.

As the baby grows in size, the mother you will experience a number of effects. Dr. Brandie Nemchenko has told Parents that “the baby’s center of gravity shifts forward as he grows.” This slight movement could involve a series of pains.

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The pregnant woman would suffer lumbago, a type of discomfort that in the mildest cases will only involve a little pressure on the lower back. To combat low back pain, Nemchenko recommends “stretching before getting out of bed, wearing comfortable shoes and massaging the area.”

Use a tennis ball

In addition to the lumbar, pregnant women may experience sciatica during the months of pregnancy. Women begin to suffer this discomfort in the butt and, in some cases, pain goes down the rest of the leg.

This discomfort usually causes the mother to “feel that she has been kicked in the crotch” (Unsplash)

Although this effect of pregnancy is usually temporary, it may continue to affect mothers after giving birth. A form of fight sciatica It will be by placing “a tennis ball in the area of ​​pain and making circular movements,” explained Nemchenko.

The third type of pain that affects pregnant women is vaginal pressure. This discomfort often causes the mother to “feel like she has been kicked in the crotch.” The doctor recalls that the cramps experienced in the pelvis at the beginning of pregnancy predict that the uterus is expanding.

The most annoying pain

There are many women who experience increased pelvic floor pain. Nemchenko affirms that this is due to the fact that “the ligaments [del suelo pélvico] they stretch and deform as the fetus increases in size ”.

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After giving birth, these ligaments begin to return to their previous state, without actually presenting the structure prior to gestation. The doctor recalled that, in the event of a second pregnancy, the ligaments will stretch again and, as a consequence, the pregnant woman will experience that pain again.

“The baby’s center of gravity shifts forward as he grows”

Some of the recommendations to cope with what many women consider the most annoying of pregnancy pains include: place a pillow between your legs or a pregnancy belt. In case of feeling pain, the most advisable thing is to go to a professional to analyze the situation.


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