Heat weather in NRW: Bochum reacts with a special action

In Bochum, the homeless are now to be protected from the coming heat wave.

© Daniele Giustolisi / RUHR24

The hot weather in NRW is approaching with temperatures over 30 degrees. There should therefore be special help in Bochum.

Bochum – After May caused rather “useless” weather, June makes people in NRW sweat with sunshine and high temperatures. This is especially a problem for the homeless. Therefore, the city of Bochum is now reacting.

surface145,4 km²
population364.628 (2019)

Heat wave in NRW: City of Bochum announces help for the homeless

Regardless of whether it’s a fruity ice cream at the ice cream parlor, a refreshing drink from the supermarket or a swim in the open outdoor pool – with seemingly little things, we provide pleasant cooling every day in NRW’s summer weather. For people who do not have a permanent place of residence, however, this is often not so easy.

Because often there is simply not enough money for that. Finding public sanitary facilities is not always easy for those affected in times of the corona pandemic. That is why the city of Bochum has come up with a plan to protect the homeless from the hot weather in the Ruhr area. This includes, for example, the “creation of shady spaces and cool outdoor spaces”, according to a press release.

Awnings and tents, for example, should be set up for this purpose. The provost church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Bochum is also supposed to provide shade. It is possible there between 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. to linger and rest from the heat.

Help for the needy in Bochum: Donations of drinking water and showers should help against hot weather

To ensure a drinking water supply, water bottles should be distributed at the advice centers and day stays. The city of Bochum promises that some locations will already be supplied with 500 water bottles this week. You can find the contact points in Henriettenstraße, Uhlandstraße, Fliednerhaus and Wattenscheider lunch.

The campaign aims to help those in need in two ways. Because in addition to the health aspect, the financial side also plays a role. Those affected are allowed to keep the bottles and redeem them for a deposit.

The bottles received can then be exchanged for money by the homeless.

© Monika Skolimowska / dpa

In addition to sufficient drinking, hygiene offers are also to be created in Bochum. In the known contact points, there should then be shower facilities as well as hygiene packages that also contain sunscreens.

Heat weather in NRW: start of the action depending on the temperatures

Items such as drinking water and juices in small bottles as well as sun cream, medical protective masks in the form of surgical or FFP2 masks, baseball caps to protect against the sun and hand disinfectants are happy to accept donations from various agencies. The goods can therefore be handed in at the Auszeit ice cream parlor, the two-pillar café, the Sold Out Gallery or the social welfare office.

The project in Bochum is not supposed to start officially until July 1st. But due to the expected heat wave, the city has already announced the first aid for the coming week. According to estimates by the city, around 280 people should live on the streets of the Ruhr area city.


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