He wants to be US President again in August: This is how Donald Trump is planning his return to the White House – Politics

To be US President again in August and to send short messages to millions of people: A dream would come true for Donald Trump. A dream that he has been following very intensively for a few weeks.

First, the public learned of his plan to start his own blog – after he was banned from major social media for inciting to storm the Capitol and claiming that the 2020 presidential election had been stolen from him. He had more than 80 million subscribers on Twitter alone.

Instead, a blog on his homepage with the title “From Donald J. Trump’s desk”. The structure was very similar to that of Twitter, only nobody really wanted to read his posts. Launched at the beginning of May, the blog is history four weeks later. This was confirmed by Trump’s employee Jason Miller on Twitter.

However, Trump is said to have planned to set up his own large online platform that he can use to inform his followers. After all, it looks like there could be more newsworthy items from his point of view again.

The public found out about Trump’s latest plan in early June. A plan that he has not yet openly expressed, but which several media outlets are now reporting on, citing reputable sources: Trump plans to overturn the election by reviewing ballot papers and to be reinstated as US president as early as August.

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Maggie Haberman, a journalist for the New York Times, was the first to unearth what sounds like a bad joke. “Trump has told a number of people that he will be reinstated by August,” wrote Haberman on June 1 on Twitter. In addition, she linked a video from CNN, on which Trump supporters propose a coup like in Myanmar.


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