“Hawks” take the lead, “Clippers” without Lenard reaches 3-2 against “Jazz” (VIDEO)



Three Young Photo: Atlanta Hawks

Last night, the National Basketball Association (NBA) hosted two “play-off” tournament games. The Atlanta Hawks, after winning the Philadelphia 76ers in a 3-2 series, also celebrated their third success with the Los Angeles Clippers, whose leader Kava Lenard was diagnosed with a knee injury.

The majority of the Eastern Conference winner “76ers” was in the lead, reaching 26 points at one point. However, one minute and 26 seconds before the end of regular time, the rules were violated against Hawks leader Three Young, who took three free throws and for the first time in the game the result was in favor of Atlanta – 105: 104. For the rest of the time, Philadelphia was no longer able to recover from the shock, resulting in an unexpected loss.

The main character of the winners was the already mentioned Young, who has 39 points and seven assists. John Collins stood out with a “double-double” – 19 points and 11 rebounds. Joel Embyd scored 37 points in favor of the 76ers, who also won 13 balls under baskets, and Seth Curry threw 36 points.


The Clippers, on the other hand, played the Utah Jazz with 119: 111 and also came to victory from the success of the second round of the play-off series. Yesterday, it became known that the main star of the Los Angeles team Lenard was injured. His status is unknown at this time and the basketball player will not be able to assist the Los Angeles team for an indefinite period of time.

In Lenard’s absence, Paul George took care of the team’s result, scoring 37 points and winning 16 rebounds. He was assisted by Marcus Morris with 25 points and Regs Jackson with 22 points. 32 points for Boyan Bogdanovich, 21 points for Donovan Michel, and Rudy Gober added ten rebounds for 17 points.


The second round

“Jazz” (1) – “Clippers” (4) 2-3
“Suns” (2) – “Nuggets” (3) 4-0
“Nets” (2) – “Bucks” (3) 3-2
“76ers” (1) – “Hawks” (5) 2-3

The first round

“Jazz” (1) – “Grizzlies” (8) 4-1
“Clippers” (4) – “Mavericks” (5) 4-3
“Nuggets” (3) – “Trail Blazers” (6) 4-2
“Suns” (2) – “Lakers” (7) 4-2
“76ers” (1) – “Wizards” (8) 4-1
“Knicks” (4) – “Hawks” (5) 1-4
“Bucks” (3) – “Heat” (6) 4-0
“Nets” (2) – “Celtics” (7) 4-1


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