Gymnastics trainer Vincent Wevers still wants to go to the Olympic Games through summary proceedings | Sport

The father of gymnasts Sanne and Lieke Wevers, who is employed by gymnastics association KNGB, is under investigation into undesirable behavior at the Institute for Sports Law (ISR). A ruling is expected in the coming months and therefore the union does not want to take any risks. Other private trainers are also not allowed to come to Tokyo because they are also being investigated by the ISR.

The summary proceedings were filed last Monday in Zutphen. The verdict is due before June 21. If Wevers is right, other private coaches could also force them to go to Tokyo in this way.

Olympic Qualifier

The summary proceedings were filed in the week before the best gymnasts in the Netherlands will compete for Olympic qualification next Sunday in the Top Sports Center in Rotterdam. This marks the first session of an important diptych, part two of which will take place on June 26. The toppers Lieke and Sanne Wevers, who can still be accompanied by their father, are also participating and are great contenders for Olympic tickets.

“The timing of the summary proceedings surprises me”

,,He does not agree with the decision”, says Mark Meijer, the technical director of the KNGU, who defended the position of the union together with general director Marieke van der Plas. ,,But if Vincent is in the right, we must nominate him for Tokyo. The timing of the summary proceedings surprises me, but it’s good that someone has the opportunity to get justice.”

Highly Remarkable

In the meantime, the situation in women’s gymnastics a little under six weeks before the start of the Olympic Games is highly remarkable. An Olympic coaching staff has now been appointed with national coach Bram van Bokhoven and his helpers José van Veen and the American Aimee Boorman. They told today that the cooperation with the private caches is going well. But when the coach of Olympic champion Sanne Wevers tries to force a place on the staff for Tokyo through the courts behind the scenes, it is logical that this has consequences for ‘the atmosphere in the workplace’.

Not inactive

What is special is that Wevers was not suspended from active duty because of his going to court, but the reason for this is not complicated. ,,That is not in the interest of the athletes”, says technical director Mark Meijer. By which he means that the pupils of Wevers would like to have him around when things really get going during the Olympic trials.

weavers themselves

,,Someone is only guilty if a judge has found him guilty”, Vincent Wevers himself says between the training sessions in Rotterdam. ,,And if you’ve been working on a project with someone for five years, it’s difficult to transfer that.” Wevers finds it difficult to estimate how great his chances are in court. “But if I thought we would have no chance, I wouldn’t have started it.”

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