Fraser-Price becomes the second fastest sprinter of all time – Athletics

Fraser-Prais did the 100-meter sprint in 10.63 seconds, breaking his Jamaican record by seven hundredths of a second.

In the list of the fastest sprinters of all time, the 34-year-old Jamaican has risen from fourth to second place. She is only behind the world record holder Florence Griffith-Goiner, who set the world record in 1988, covering the distance in 10.49 seconds. In the same year, the American also ran 100 meters in 10.61 and 10.62 seconds.

Fraser-Price has made a serious application to return to the throne of the Olympic champion. He won Olympic gold in 2008 in Beijing and 2012 in London, but five years ago in Rio de Janeiro reconciled with bronze.

Meanwhile, the men’s seventh fastest sprinter of all time has been American Travon Bromel, who ran the royal distance in Florida in 9.77 seconds on Saturday, breaking the personal record by seven hundredths of a second.

Only nine sprinters ran under 9.80 seconds. The time achieved by Bromel on Saturday is a shared 20th result in the history of athletics.

The 25-year-old has returned as a season leader and will be one of the favorites for the Tokyo Olympic gold medal.



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