France team: “When the tap is open …” Antoine Griezmann is not worried about Karim Benzema

Cristiano Ronaldo had offered the metaphor of ketchup. Antoine Griezmann goes on with the tap! The French winger, present at a press conference this Sunday, the day after the draw conceded against Hungary, spoke of the offensive difficulties of the Blues. For Benzema? “Like Kylian, like me, you need to score to let go, to free yourself.” He helps us a lot in the offensive relationship. When the tap is open, it will flow ”. For the rest, Griezmann made his self-criticism despite his goal and sent several unifying messages.

What analysis did you make of the match? Are you affected?

ANTOINE GRIEZMANN. Not touch. Of course we are disappointed. Even a little upset we will say. It was a complicated game with incredible heat. It was super hot. The Hungarians played very well, very well defended. They hurt us in the counterattack. It was difficult to play in the first half for the heat, the dry ground. It was the same for both teams. In the second half it was a little better on the sides when we went to 4-4-2, 4-2-3-1. With a good entry from Ousmane. We had a few chances in the first half, we failed. It’s a Euro, each opponent is difficult to play. We will try to prepare Portugal well.

What is missing from this attack?

What every striker needs is to score that first goal. The faster it happens, the better it is for everyone. They are the occasions, Kiks (Mbappé) and Karim (Benzema). As soon as it comes in, it will go by itself. You have to remain patient and confident. You know me, in the axis, this is where I feel best, I feel free, I have people everywhere on the sides in front of me. On the side I can go in with my left foot and find Karim or Kylian.

Benzema has yet to score. Do you feel that he is in doubt?

Not by doubt, no. He wants to score. Like Kylian, like me, you need to score to let go, to free yourself. He helps us a lot in the offensive relationship. When the faucet is open, it will flow. He has the support of the staff, the players. We hope that this goal will come very quickly. He has the opportunities so it will fit. The most annoying thing would be if he didn’t have any chances, he didn’t.

On a personal level, what did you do and what did you miss against Hungary?

I didn’t like my first period, not having enough contact with the ball except when I got inside the game. The ground was less dry in the second, it was a little easier. I liked being close to the surface. I know it wasn’t my best game either. I have to make more contact with the ball. It could help me and help the team to play better I think.

Did you have a discussion with Deschamps concerning your positioning also linked to the return of Benzema?

We talked about it, yes. He’s the coach, he won everything as a player and a coach. I am at the service of the collective. As long as I’m in the field, everything is fine with me. He thinks it’s better for everyone to be like that in 4-3-3 with this freedom to play in the axis starting on the right side. It’s up to me to find the spaces, to move and to hurt the opponent. I have no problem with that.

What makes you believe in a reaction against Portugal?

We have to, that’s how it is (smile). The more the match arrives, the better it is for everyone. We will have to work well tactically, see where we can hurt them. We have the team and the group to win. It will not be easy, we already know that. It’s up to us to take the 3 points and win first place.

Can you tell us why Mbappé took the off-center free kick against Hungary (22nd minute) when he seemed better placed for a left-hander?

He took the ball and wanted to shoot it. He shoots them really well Kylian. I saw him in training. There was no problem. As soon as you smell it, you shoot. But it’s a shame it didn’t come back. He puts them in training so why not in a match.

Have you changed your team behavior since the final lost in 2016 against Portugal at the Euro?

Modified, I don’t think so. To be hungrier, yes. We were already hungry but with a big disappointment like that, losing a final is the worst part, and it made us want to surpass ourselves, come back and play a final to win. It will be a big game again against Portugal. The stadium will be full. Many will have their families in the stands. We want to win, stay first and give pleasure to the French supporters.

How do you place the physique of the Blues and yours?

We’re halfway. It’s a bit like in 2018. Physically, we were average in the group stage and we were at the maximum in the final stage. We’re fine, but the heat on Saturday was incredible. We had a little heavy legs because of the preparation. We have to recover because the body took a hit after Hungary. We have the staff to be good for Portugal. It’s up to us to sleep well and to be present.

What does Portugal mean to you, who have Portuguese origins?

It’s special because I know that in the family some will have the jersey of Portugal, others of France. Whoever loses will be chambered. It is always a pride to play for the Blues, even more against Portugal. My mother will be in the stands, it will be a great moment for her. Playing against Cristiano Ronaldo and this exceptional group is a good time. We will try to win it for the French and for my mother too.

You said you were “done”. How are you physically and looking forward to seeing your families in the stands on Wednesday?

I was very tired after the game, especially because of the heat. In terms of kilometers traveled, I didn’t have to do a lot but only the heat… We are lucky to have good staff to recover. It will be good to see the family, even from afar. We cannot touch anyone, even our families. This is how it is for this Euro. It’s hard for everyone, the players and the staff. You have to accept it. It still gives one more tip to go for this Cup and win for everyone.

You are three goals behind Michel Platini in the selection, two from his record at the Euro. Do you think of those numbers?

We necessarily look. We are talking about a legend. But that’s not my main goal. I would rather win without scoring than draw while scoring. I know that these are figures that will remain after my career so why not but it is not the main one. If we score, good for everyone, but I’m not looking for that.

Do you still find Cristiano Ronaldo dominant?

It is a source of inspiration for everyone. It’s extraordinary what he does at 36 years old. Him and Leo (Messi)… We will never see that again. Cristiano, he’s still dominant. It is complete, it marks from the left, from the right, from the head. It is an example for all young and old.

How do you find Giroud in the group? How does he experience his downgrading?

I am at the table with him. He still has the banana, the smile. He gives everything in the locker room, on the pitch, in training. It is not easy for him. We know he’s there, he’s ready to come home to make a difference. It’s great what he’s doing for the band.

You talk about heat a lot. Do you feel capable of making a third match?

I prefer to follow up. It is the coach who chooses the tactics. I am used to chaining so there is no problem. We will have to win but no matter who is in the eleven, they will do anything to win. But I can do it.

Pavard had some difficulties last night. How can you help her?

Ben struggled a bit in the first half. Always the same excuse but we were in the sun, it was super hot. He was quite alone with the ball, it was difficult to find someone in front of him. He had to play with Raph (Varane) or Piochi (Pogba). He wins duels, he loses, that’s the life of a side. Defensively, I try to help him. The last game less because Hungary did not have the ball. He likes quad we help him on the side, that’s what I did on the side. We have a very good side, we are proud to have him. This post is very tough. You have to be there on both sides.

If a penalty is to be taken against Portugal, will it be for you?

It’s in relation to how we see things on the ground. As Kylian saw the free kick yesterday, he took it. We take a fix, but for me there is no fear, no worry. I am open! If a player wants to take it, he takes it. If someone takes it and smells it, so much the better.


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