Football EM 2021: Bundesliga clubs want to light up stadiums in rainbow colors

Given the Uefa-Prohibition of lighting the Munich EM arena in rainbow colors want at least other German stadium operators to set an example. For example, the football arenas in Frankfurt am Main, Cologne, Berlin, Mainz, Wolfsburg and Augsburg shine brightly on Wednesday during the European Championship match between the German team and Hungary (9 p.m., TV: ZDF; live ticker:

“If Munich is not allowed to be on Wednesday, then the other stadiums in the country have to show their colors. Up now, colleagues in the league! «Tweeted Eintracht Frankfurt’s board spokesman Axel Hellmann on Tuesday night.

The Cologne Bundesliga stadium will also switch on the rainbow colors. The decision was made “on the initiative of various groups from Cologne’s urban society,” said Cologne’s managing director Alexander Wehrle: “We welcome that very much. Cologne and FC stand for diversity and tolerance. The developments in Hungary are terrifying – it is all the more important to set an example against it. «

Augsburg also wants to take part in the campaign. “We use our stadium lighting again and again to draw attention to important social issues,” said Michael Ströll, managing director of FC Augsburg, on Tuesday. “If Uefa does not allow such a self-evident and important sign in Munich as part of the European Championship game, then we would like to do so and look forward to having our beautiful facade illuminated in bright colors.” Also Wolfsburg, Mainz and the Berlin Olympic Stadium announced that they would take part in the action.

Previously, the Munich city council had voted in a cross-factional motion to illuminate the EM arena in Fröttmaning for the group game between Germany and Hungary on Wednesday in rainbow colors. However, it was already assumed that Uefa would not agree to the action. From organizer circles in Munich it was said on Tuesday towards the SPIEGEL: »Uefa will most likely not risk an affront. You don’t want to snub Orbán. “

The background to the protest is a law, which restricts young people’s right to information about homosexuality and transsexuality and which was only approved by the Hungarian parliament last Tuesday. The law is a particular concern of the Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The demand for a clear signal at the European Football Championship in Germany had become correspondingly loud.


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