Foot – Girona still cracks in the final and will not climb to La Liga this season

Girona FC believed in it after their success at Rayo Vallecano in the first leg of the second division play-offs. But the Catalans were beaten at home on the return and won’t move up to La Liga next season.

Cursed! Girona FC players are cursed. As too often in recent seasons, they stumbled again on the last step against Rayo Vallecano in the return final of the play-offs of Liga Smart Bank, Spain’s second division.

Winners of Luca Zidane’s teammates in the first leg (1-2), the Girona players lost 2-0 on their lawn this Sunday. Score acquired at the break.

And yet, Girona played 11-on-10 for almost an entire half. Like last year, the final is fatal for Catalan players who have only known the Liga for two seasons.


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