first competition in the 21st century for an “enthusiastic” Scotland

Published on : 06/06/2021 – 20:45

Along with North Macedonia and Finland, Scotland is one of the “little thumbs” of Euro 2022 which is due to start this week (June 11-July 11). But for its first participation in an international competition in the 21st century, Scotland does not intend to make the extras. And she has the weapons to take out chickens.

Twenty-three years later, “Flower of Scotland” will finally be sung at the top of its lungs during an international football competition. It will be during the Euro 2020 group stage matchday one Scotland-Czech Republic at Hampden Park, Glasgow on 14 June. For that alone, we will have to take a look at this meeting, the first in an international competition of the Scots at the 21e century. The last time was at the 1998 World Cup in France. An eternity for a country in love with football and almost divided in two between Celtic and Rangers supporters.

This time, for at least ten days, they will all be united behind their selection which obtained its qualification after two rounds of play-offs, won on penalties against Israel, then Serbia. ” To say this was greeted warmly would be an understatement., explains Loïs Guzukian, co-founder of the specialized Twitter page Scottish Football Fr. It was a relief for the Scots. Their joy was immense after a mixed playoff that began with a loss in Kazakhstan and a sluggish success in San Marino. ».

We are then in March 2019. Scotland is heading straight for a new disillusionment. But, fortunately for the Scots, Steve Clarke is named to take the reins, and he succeeds in his bet to qualify the selection for his first Euro since 1996. ” Something has been created around him Loïs Guzukian analysis. He was able to found a united group where everyone fully understands their role ».

A strong collective

And unlike other small selections that are built around a star like Wales with Gareth Bale, this Scotland team, “ it is above all a collective. There is not a player above the others, but a group that pulls the rest of the team up ».

Contrary to what one might think, Liverpool left side Andrew Robertson is not the star of this selection. It is even a player a little less known, the defender of Arsenal Kieran Tierney who holds more this role in the eyes of the supporters, according to this specialist of Scottish football. ” There’s also Aston Villa midfielder John McGinn, he adds. He is untouchable and essential for the recovery of the ball and the pressing. He’s a leader ».

However, all is not perfect. In qualifying, Scotland sank against Russia (1-2 and 4-0) and Belgium (3-0 and 0-4). The defense took water and the attack did not exist. ” The weakness of this team is the offensive sector with inexperienced attackers. A killer is really missing in front », Tempers Loïs Guzukian. In the qualifiers, Steve Clark’s men scored just 16 goals in 10 games, one more than the modest Cyprus side.

Accessible round of 16

But not enough to shower the hopes of the Scottish supporters, even more enthusiastic after the draw in the Netherlands, this Wednesday, June 2 in a friendly (2-2). ” Something has changed with Clarke : everyone is behind the nation in all matches, whereas before there was sometimes indifference. The Scots really believe their team capable of qualifying for the round of 16 ».

Scotland's Kevin Nisbet and his teammates after scoring a second goal in the Netherlands on June 2, 2021.
Scotland’s Kevin Nisbet and his teammates after scoring a second goal in the Netherlands on June 2, 2021. REUTERS – PEDRO NUNES

And he also believes in it: ” it can lose its three matches like making a big blow, it is what makes the charm of this selection. She has the chance to host the Czech Republic for the first game before facing england, which will be a meeting apart as the rivalry is strong between the two countries. A victory against the Czechs, and everything will be possible then ».

Especially with the rule of the four best third in a group, qualified for the knockout stages. ” After that it will only be a bonus », Concludes Loïs Guzukian who would dream of seeing Scotland imitate the course at Euro 2016 of Wales (semi-finals) or Iceland (quarter-finals).



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