Fire department saves boys: skyscraper near Miami Beach partially collapsed – Panorama – Society

A multi-storey residential building near Miami Beach in the US state of Florida partially collapsed – at least one person was killed. The search for other possible victims continues, the police announced on Twitter on Thursday. According to media reports, nine people were also injured, two of them life-threatening.

More people may still be trapped in the rubble, it said. At times, more than 80 units were in use, the fire brigade announced on Thursday night (local time) on Twitter. The rescuers also looked for victims with the help of sniffer dogs.

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The accident occurred in Surfside not far from Miami Beach. Further details were not given. Officials also did not initially know about the cause of the collapse.

The partially collapsed residential building near Miami Beach.Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images / AFP

“It looks like a bomb went off,” said Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett, told NBC. “But we’re pretty sure it wasn’t a bomb, it was something else.”

His wife was a nurse and was in the building at the time of the accident, Santo Mejil told the Miami Herald newspaper. She told him on the phone that she heard “a big explosion”. “It felt like an earthquake,” she reported. The woman was saved, her husband reported.


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