Exhibitions and tournaments, sport invades the Seraglio – Chronicle

The presentation in the Municipality of the new “Sport on Serraglio” event

Demonstrations of dance and martial arts, performances of basketball, volleyball and gymnastics. And then again CGFS and tango. All this, and much more, will be the first edition of “Sport On Serraglio”, a free admission festival organized by the Sport per Prato association for the summer evenings in July and early September at the Serraglio playground. “This project was born in a short time on the proposal of Marco Scarselli (one of the founding members of the Sport per Prato association and also president of Street Basket Prato, ed) to involve more sports”, explains Luigi Galardi, president of Sport per Prato. “In a few days we have put together about twenty dates. This …

Demonstrations of dance and martial arts, performances of basketball, volleyball and gymnastics. And then again CGFS and tango. All this, and much more, will be the first edition of “Sport On Serraglio”, a free admission festival organized by the Sport per Prato association for the summer evenings in July and early September at the Serraglio playground. “This project was born in a short time on the proposal of Marco Scarselli (one of the founding members of the Sport per Prato association and also president of Street Basket Prato, ed) to involve more sports”, explains Luigi Galardi, president of Sport per Prato. “In a few days we have set up about twenty dates. This could be the number zero of an event that we hope will become stable in the coming years”. The debut is scheduled for tonight, starting at 9 pm, with the dance performances of the “Nuova Eta Beta Danze” school. The conclusion of the review is instead set for 10 September, with the second edition of “La vita al centro”, a walk between sport and wellness organized by Sport per Prato to collect contributions in favor of Lilt. “This event makes us see a light at the end of the tunnel”, adds the councilor for sport Luca Vannucci. “Sport has always been a means to be reborn and restart. We have created about a month of activities to experience and appreciate all the beautiful and important things that are done in Prato and to get to know different sports realities”. Between tonight and September 10, except for a break in August, the calendar of events is full. Tomorrow evening still dance with the “New Eta Beta”. On 5 July Tai-Chi and Qi-Gong demonstrations by Asd Sole Luna and third age gymnastics by Asd Nuova Age. On 6 July at the Serraglio playground it will be the turn of the rhythmic gymnastics exhibition of the Asd Arcobaleno, while the following evening we will talk about handbike and handball with Vezio Trifoni. Great appointment on July 8, with the day of remembrance, a basketball marathon-memorial (9-23): “We decided to dedicate a whole day to a long and heartfelt memorial to remember Cristiano Carlesi, Andrea Cecchini, Luca Coppini, Federico Giuntoni, Alessandro Goti, Marco Morganti, Simone Parretti and Alessandro Rosadini “, explains Marco Scarselli of Street Basket Prato. “All boys who unfortunately are no longer there, but we have never forgotten”. Volleyball performances will continue on 9 July, on 13 July there will be the Lacrosse with the Grizzlies Prato, while on 14 July it will be the turn of table tennis with Ciatt Prato. The following evening kung fu performances thanks to the Kung Fu Sanda school. And then another great basketball event, July 18-19, with a 3×3 tournament that will be played at the Serraglio and in Viale Marconi. Aperitif of the basketball “Torneo dei Rioni” which will be staged from 20 to 23 July. On 24 July sports dance in wheelchair with the champions Alice Masciello, Marco Galli, Laura Del Sere and performances by the Alisa Dance school. Then it will start again in September, with the disciplines brought to the exhibition by the CGFS with “We like to do sport” on the evening of the 6th. “Prato in 2019 was the first province for amateur events and this is a heritage to be cultivated, thanks to the dynamism of our sports associations”, concludes the city councilor Enrico Romei.



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