European Championship matches with catering until 11.30 pm, Jambon explains: “I have outlined the hilarious and unacceptable situations it could lead to”

The European Championship is rapidly approaching, in the meantime the necessary precautions have also been taken. Also in the field of corona within Belgium. Jan Jambon came to explain it.

Jan Jambon (N-VA) has worked with the Flemish government over the past week for the abandonment of the closing hours of the catering industry, both indoors and outdoors.

“It was already agreed for outside at 11.30 pm”, it sounds in The Seventh Day. “Also in function of the matches at the European Championship, which is now approaching quickly.”

Avoiding unacceptable and hilarious situations

“Then the question was how you could do it, if you had to send the people out at ten o’clock? You felt that it was impossible, so we argued to make it right.”

“I was able to convince colleagues with anecdotes. I outlined what could happen and what hilarious and unacceptable situations that could lead to.”


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