EURO 2021 | The worst straightforward career? The whole world is laughing at Ronald now

He will clearly be one of the biggest stars of the upcoming European football championship. Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo played both preparatory matches before the EURO, first against Spain (draw 0: 0) and now against Israel, where he contributed to the victory 4: 0. But his goal contribution could have been higher, it was enough to aim better, or to aim at all.

Pedro Nunes, Reuters

Even a master carpenter sometimes cuts off. Ronald’s failed free kick from the 41th minute of the match with Israel could be described as such. It was a cannon shot, but it was aimed completely outside the gate and flew far into the auditorium.

Everyone present then just watched with a smile as the ball disappeared between the seats. However, Ronaldo corrected his minel after a while when he beat the goalkeeper Marciano and scored the 104th hit in the national team jersey. Fernandes scored twice in the match and Cancelo once. Portugal therefore won the general with a ratio of 4: 0.

It is definitely not advisable to underestimate Ronald, but the question is whether he should build for direct kicks … Since 2017, he has turned into only one for Juventus. However, no one doubts that even without them, he will most likely become the world record holder in national team jerseys during the EURO and dethrone former striker Ali Daeí from Iran, who has 109 hits.

The Portuguese won the European Championships in general, Ronaldo approaching the record



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