EdF: lateral Koundé, Deschamps explains himself

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Having become a reference to his position in La Liga as a central defender, Jules Koundé (22 years old, a selection) celebrated his first cap with the France team by entering at half-time as … right side Wednesday in a friendly match against in Wales (3-0). Despite the convincing performance of the Sevillian, whose center brings the third goal, the tricolor coach Didier Deschamps was invited to explain his choice.

“I chose to put him on the right. I know he’s a central defender, but I had seen him with Sevilla. He’s comfortable. It’s not to take anything away from Léo Dubois , it’s to bring something else, the technician justified himself at a press conference. I know that in the axis, he does things well and there I wanted to see. He does things well, even if he has took that uppercut. He’s a defender. Often a shifted axial, it defends well. But he has a big volume, he is comfortable with the ball. He was in an offensive position, he made a few crosses. C ‘is good for the first 45 minutes and that it is finally French international. “

Even if it is rare to see the former Bordeaux player evolving in the corridor, remember that DD has always put forward his versatility to explain his presence in the 26.

Read 3.985 times – by Romain Lantheaume on 06/03/2021 at 5:02 pm


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