Cool early summer night group fitness fire_General Administration of Sports

Cool early summer night group fitness fire

Release time: 2021-06-07
Source: China Sports News
Author: Wang Can


At 7:30 in the evening, Li Ming, who lives in Beijing, changed his clothes and arrived at the Olympic Forest Park near his home on time to start a regular night run every day.

Li Ming has been running night runs for almost two years. Since he had to get up early in the morning to go to work, he didn’t have enough time for morning exercises, so he chose to run at night. In this way, it solves the distress of high temperature and sun during the day in summer. He said: “There are a lot of people taking part in running in the park at night. Everyone runs in twos and threes together. Not only can you wipe away the exhaustion of the work day, but you can also exercise.

In Li Ming’s view, night running is more suitable for his daily life rhythm. Li Ming said: “At first I also ran early in the morning, but I felt a little tired all day when I went to work after the run. After switching to a night run, I went home and rested for a night after running. The next day was not only energetic, but also rich. My night life.”

Wei Tiancheng, who has just stepped into the workplace, plays basketball games with his neighbors on the basketball court downstairs at home almost every day after get off work. “When I was in college, my classmates and I often used the time after dinner to play court in the summer. Now that I go to work, this habit persists.” Wei Tiancheng said, “There are still many benefits of evening fitness. First of all. , The weather is cool, and the temperature in Beijing in early summer is around 20 degrees Celsius after dark, making it particularly comfortable to exercise. Secondly, because most young people do not have the habit of morning exercises in the morning, even those who have the habit of morning exercises seldom participate in the game. At night It’s quite different. Not only are there more people participating in exercise, but many of my golfers will also put down their work and come to the court for a showdown. Also, like our community, the court’s location is basically the same in the early morning. It is the elderly who practice Tai Chi, soft ball and so on. At night, it becomes a venue for young people. This unwritten rule not only solves the fitness problem of people of different ages, but also makes the community more harmonious.”

Young people like to work out at night, as do the elderly. After dinner every day, Feng Jianhua, who lives near Chaoyang Park in Beijing, dressed neatly, grabbed his fitness equipment, and hurried to Chaoyang Park. Perform a 15-minute warm-up exercise, and then join the old sister to practice aerobics for an hour. Fitness in the park in front of her home at night makes her feel both convenient and comfortable.

Feng Jianhua said: “At first, I also worked out during the day and took a walk in the park. Later, because I was having problems during the day, I changed to a walk in the park at night. There were not many people in the park at night, and many of them were about my age. Of elderly people are practicing aerobics. They are wearing uniform clothes, not only bright colors but also particularly fashionable, coupled with melodious music, I like this project at that time. I have been participating in fitness activities at night for more than a year. Through this After a period of exercise, I feel that my body is getting better and better, and I am getting younger.”

With the gradual popularity of night exercises, more and more people have begun to join the ranks of night exercisers. Take Beijing as an example. In recent years, night running events such as night running and fluorescent running have also been carried out, or night sports events such as skateboarding and roller skating that are popular among young people have been carried out in commercial complexes to enrich the public’s fitness. Nightlife. The holding of a series of events has allowed more and more people to go out of their homes at night to participate in fitness activities in parks and sports grounds to gain health and happiness. (Reposted from the 05 edition of China Sports Daily on June 7)


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