Chengdu Seventh Chinese Language Candidate Wang Han Gets Good Results

Original title: Wang Han, a student of Chengdu Seven Chinese Language Course, got good results.

Cover News reporter Zhou Limei

The reporter learned from Chengdu No. 7 Middle School that Wang Han, a liberal arts student of the school, scored 666 in the college entrance examination. Among them, 130 points in language, 148 in mathematics, 147 in foreign language, and 241 in comprehensive literature.

“She called and shared with me the first time she knew the results. We were all very happy.” According to Wang Han’s class teacher, Ren Yimin, Wang Han usually studies very steadily, and this result is expected.

In Ren Yimin’s eyes, Wang Han is a very independent and self-disciplined girl who has her own arrangements and plans for each subject. When she was in the first grade of senior high school, Wang Han’s test results were not satisfactory, but she was very calm and rational, and quickly adjusted her state.

Usually, in addition to intense study, Wang Han also likes to read novels and play badminton, and has been active in school club activities during his time at school. After graduating from the third year of high school, Wang Han also gave a special speech to the head teacher Ren Yimin, thanking him for his help in her study and life, which moved him deeply. When the epidemic broke out last year, she took the initiative to write a hymn “Waiting for me to return at sunrise” for the anti-epidemic medical staff to pay tribute to the most beautiful retrograde.

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