Captain Van der Sar as mediator: ‘Was a kind of Kofi Annan in my time’

“Speaking to the media after the game, welcoming new boys in the right way, negotiating with the KNVB about premiums and promotions,” he sums up the captain’s broad range of duties when asked. “Usually you involve two or three other guys: an older player, and a younger one, and someone who still plays football in the Netherlands. And of course, if things are going on between players and trainer, you as captain try to solve it in your own way. .”

Afflictions and issues

Then Van der Sar refers, among other things, to “hassle” between Marco van Basten and various big names within Orange. That is how things went wrong between the national coach and Ruud van Nistelrooij at the 2006 World Cup. The striker accused Van Basten of an ‘I like you content’ in his playing and selection policy. “Yes, there have been enough issues and issues during that period”, says Van der Sar somewhat cynically.

As a captain, he was also a mediator in such situations. “That happened with Ruud (Van Nistelrooij, ed.), with Clarence (Seedorf). But also with Edgar (Davids), and Mark (van Bommel).” With a smile: “I was busy at the time, looking back…”


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