Baumgartlinger: “I lived in compression pants” – football

In time for the European Football Championship, ÖFB captain Julian Baumgartlinger returned on board. in the “Today”-Talk speaks the 33-year-old plain text.

“Today”: In January you were operated on the cruciate ligament, have stood there for three minutes since then. Are you not lacking match practice for a European Championship?

Julian Baumgartlinger: “There’s no substitute for a game, you can’t simulate it in any training session. Fortunately, we still have two tests. The fact that I’ve already played one or the other international match helps, of course. I’m bursting with energy.”

Are you perhaps even fresher than some of your teammates who have had a long season?

“It’s funny that I made 30 games despite my injury because autumn was just amazing. So the break was definitely not a disadvantage, even if I would have preferred it otherwise.”

Is it conceivable that the captain just sits on the bench?

“There should be those in place who are the right ones on day X.”

You have been living in the hotel for weeks with 25 colleagues. Are you all on the same wavelength?

“No, but it’s nice that not all are the same, don’t have the same topics, don’t listen to the same music. In some cases there are actually quite big differences. That has something enriching for me.”

Who is the biggest morning grouch, who is rarely on time, who sings best?

“Marko (Arnautovic) is a late riser. But we are all on time, otherwise it will be expensive. David (Alaba) is the best singer.”

And who wins at poker?

“I can’t say that at the moment. Heinz Lindner and Rubin Okotie always lost at the old poker table, I remember that.”

What did you put in your suitcase for the EM?

“The laptop, so that I can face-to-face with the family, a good book – I’m currently reading this from Barack Obama. In addition, I’ve been living in compression pants for the past few months. They have served me well, and certainly not at the tournament bad.”

You were at the EM in 2016. If the ÖFB team from back then would play against today’s, how will the game end?

“It’s difficult to compare, because we had a different coach at the time and were in a different situation. It would be an interesting game at a high level, it would be very close.”

You completely do without Facebook and Co. Why?

“The main reason was to spend less time on the cell phone, more time offline. That worked great. Besides, I was never interested in whether something was liked or not, plus all the shitstorms. I see a certain risk and I’m glad not to hear much of it. “

Nav-Account eeTime01.06.2021, 07:05| Akt: 01.06.2021, 07:05



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