Basketball: With Campazzo, Scola, Deck, Vildoza and some surprises, Argentina announced its preselection for the Tokyo Olympics

Facundo Campazzo and Luis Scola, two of Argentina’s pillars in the 2019 China World Cup (AFP)

There is less and less time for the start of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and the different teams begin to finalize details. This is the case of the Argentine basketball team, which enters the competition with the title of runner-up in the world and with several of its figures carrying out their careers in the NBA.

Coach Sergio Hernández announced a preselection with 15 basketball players, of which the presence of 10 of the 12 who obtained the silver medal in China 2019 stands out and five new ones cited.

The Albiceleste work will begin on the 27th of this month, in Las Vegas. Among those summoned who were the base in the last World Cup The presence of stainless captain Luis Scola, Facundo Campazzo, today shining in the playoffs with the jersey of the Denver Nuggets, Gabriel Deck (Oklahoma City Thunder), Luca Vildoza (brand new reinforcement of the New York Knicks) stand out.

Among the new ones, the name that stands out the most is that of Leandro Bolmaro, the young man who during this season will blind people and strangers with the Barcelona shirt and who, almost certainly, will continue his career in the Minnesota Timberwolves, who chose him in the last Draft. The others are Juan Pablo Vaulet, Lautaro Berra, Francisco Cáffaro and Juan Francisco Fernández.

“I put together a shortlist from which a team can come out as competitive as possible but which, at the same time, has a number of players who can be in our National Team for the next 10 years. We continue in the same line of the last years ”, explained Hernández in dialogue with the web page of the Argentine Basketball Confederation.

During the talk, Oveja delved into the new faces that make up this list: “Bolmaro is already an Olympic-level athlete. He is prepared for that. That he played 20/25 minutes in a Euroleague Final 4 speaks for itself. The best, in your case, is what is to come, but you already have it is very important and can help us a lot. The Vaulet has also been very good and significant in a great competition like the Spanish one ”, began his story. It is worth clarifying that the basketball player of the Culé club was already in the Major, when he was part of the preselection before the World Cup, but he has not yet officially debuted (it was the last cut before the trip to the Pan American Games in Lima).

Sergio Hernández, coach of the basketball team (@cabboficial)
Sergio Hernández, coach of the basketball team (@cabboficial)

And then he added: “Those who know them well will not be surprised by their calls. None of them come as sparring or just to train, although it is clear that the subpoenas respond to the need we have for players with that biotype. We have a lack of these inner players and we want to see them as we continue to develop them. Cáffaro and Berra will fight for a place from within, while Juan Fernández will do so from the U19 World Cup because he will not be able to go with us to Las Vegas ”.

“We must not forget that, being interns, day by day they will receive the master that Scola will give them. Surely one of the three will end up showing that they can be in Tokyo, “he warned.

Finally, he left an encouraging message for the fans: “Individually, there is no doubt that we arrived better than China, two years ago. What Campazzo, Vildoza, Laprovittola, Deck, Brussino, Delía and Bolmaro have done, among others, makes it clear that they are far above what they were in 2019. There is no one who has lowered the level, not even that have maintained. They are all better. Better. This does not mean that in Tokyo we will play like in China, but it marks us something. Undoubtedly… We will see later, but we have hope ”.

After playing a tournament in Las Vegas (they will face the United States, Australia and Nigeria), the national team will fly to Japan on June 17, to enter the Olympic village on June 18. The Olympic debut will be on the 26th, against the winner of the Pre-Olympic to be held in Kaunas, Lithuania (Lithuania, South Korea, Venezuela, Poland, Slovenia and Angola). The other members of Group C are the local Japan and Spain, current world champions.

Argentina’s shortlist for Tokyo 2020:

Argentina's preselection for Tokyo 2020
Argentina’s preselection for Tokyo 2020


Facundo Campazzo: 1.80 – 30 years (Denver Nuggets)

Nicolás Laprovittola: 1.88 – 31 years (Real Madrid)

Luca Vildoza: 1.89 – 25 años (New York Knicks)


Nicolas Brussino: 2.05 – 27 years (Zaragoza)

Leandro Bolmaro: 2.00 – 20 years (Barcelona)


Gabriel Deck: 1.98 – 26 years (Oklahoma City Thunder)

Patricio Garino: 1.98 – 28 years (Zalgiris Kaunas)

Juan Pablo Vaulet: 1.99 – 25 years (Manresa)

Máximo Fjellerup: 1.93 – 23 years (San Lorenzo)

Pivot Wing:

Luis Scola: 2.07 – 41 years (Varese)

Juan Francisco Fernández: 2.10 – 18 years (Fuenlabrada)


Marcos Delia: 2.09 – 29 years (Trieste)

Tayavek Gallizzi: 2.04 – 28 years (Institute)

Lautaro Berra: 2.08 – 23 years (Sanitary Works)

Francisco Cáffaro: 2.14 – 23 years (University of Virginia)


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