ball – Elite Jeep. In Strasbourg, the Rémois Essome Miyem continues to learn

This Saturday, May 29 against Châlons-Reims, Essome Miyem did not come into play but he exulted, like his teammates, when the SIG won (85-77). Le Rémois, younger brother of Endy, captain of the French women’s team, is having a very special season. He plays in the Strasbourg colors (4.1 minutes, 1.5 points, 0.6 rebound on average in Jeep Elite in eight appearances) but also with Souffelweyersheim in Pro B (9.9 minutes, 4.3 points and 1.8 rebound on average in 23 games played).

Colson: “I think he will have a very good career”

With the prior agreement of the National Technical Directorate and the Federation, the two clubs signed an agreement for the player to have a Secondary Performance Authorization (ASP) license. It initially allows a young player signing a professional Jeep Elite or Pro B contract to play at the same time in another club, most often in a N1 club.

This sharing of talent thus organized for Miyem is unique since this agreement signed between the two Alsatian clubs is a first at the national level between a Jeep Elite and Pro B entity. game while remaining linked to the professional club. This allows him, like Essome Miyem, to be integrated into the pro group for certain training sessions and matches.

Tuovi: “He’s a very positive person, easy to coach”

His teammate Bonzie Colson is also full of praise for him. “For me, he’s a very talented player. He always gives the maximum, he is tall (2,10 m), he moves well and I think he will have a very good career. “ The Strasbourg coach, Lassi Tuovi, immediately recalls the obvious: “He’s so young (19 years old). He has to keep working and he needs to play. This is why playing with Souffel is beneficial for him as well. We have to give him time. He is someone who is very positive, easy to coach, and he is there when you need him. Compared to that, he deserves a lot of respect. “ The Rémois contract with SIG runs until June 2022.



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