an impressive ephemeral Grand Palais

Posted the 06/10/2021 10:11 PM

Update the 06/10/2021 11:19 PM

Video length: 2 min.

france 2
Article written by

M. Berrurier, L. Krikorian, C. Baume, F. Dumont

France 2

France Televisions

Built on the Champ de Mars, the ephemeral Grand Palais is an architectural feat, achieved in just seven months.

Built between the Eiffel Tower and the Invalides, the ephemeral Grand Palais has not finished making people talk about it. This temporary 10,000 square meter building cost 40 million euros. It was built to replace the historic Grand Palais, built in 1900 for the Universal Exhibition, which had become too dilapidated and currently under construction for four years. The ephemeral Grand Palais has the same silhouette in cross than the original and is inspired by builders of the Middle Ages and Gothic cathedrals, as illustrated by its vaults.

The building was put up in just seven months, which is very fast. But its originality lies elsewhere. It is easy to assemble; and dismantle. In four years, after hosting shows, fashion and even judo at the 2024 Olympic Games, the ephemeral Grand Palais will be dismantled to be reassembled elsewhere.


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