Also that: after heart failure, Christian Eriksen may have to…

Christian Eriksen’s future at Inter Milan may be mortgaged after the implantation of an ICD defibrillator. After all, in Italy it is forbidden to participate in top sports with an ICD device, confirmed Lucio Mos, the president of the Italian organization for sports cardiologists.

“The protocols in Italy are very strict. That is why it seems impossible to me that we will see Eriksen again in an Italian competition,” he told the Italian radio station Radio Punto Nuovo.

The 29-year-old Denmark playmaker went into cardiac arrest against Finland last Saturday but was able to be resuscitated. On Thursday, the Danish federation confirmed that the player will be implanted with an ICD defibrillator, a device that intervenes in cardiac arrhythmias.

In any case, it is too early today to determine whether and when Eriksen, a teammate of Romelu Lukaku at Italian champions Inter, can return to top sport and how long he will have to wear the defibrillator in his body.

Photo: AFP

“Tough weeks”

Neither Danish coach Kasper Hjulmand nor federation spokesman Jakob Höyer wanted to confirm a message from La Gazzetta dello Sport on Friday that Eriksen had already been operated on. “There is no news and if there is, we will announce it on Twitter,” Höyer said.

“We are in close contact with Christian,” Hjulmand added. “We are happy that he is doing well. But Christian is going through tough weeks and we don’t know what to expect yet. We can only say that we are there for him.”

Denmark lost 1-2 to the Red Devils on Thursday evening in Copenhagen. After the previous 0-1 defeat against Finland, the Danes have to win with large numbers in their final match against Russia on Monday to have a chance at the eighth finals.



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