African Judo Union: Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko, an example to follow

Welcomed as it should, yesterday in Ivato, Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko stressed that his election to the presidency of the African Judo Union (AUJ), is beneficial for Malagasy judo.

Siteny Randrianasoloniaiko did not wait long to put his election in favor of continental judo in general and Malagasy judo in particular. Indeed, shortly after Malagasy took office at the head of the UAJ, the name of Madagascar appears in the list of countries which will host the African championships in the next four years.
With this decision, the number one in African judo has made it known that his election to the post of president of the continental body is very important.
“This is the reason why it is desirable to have a personality bearing the status of the president of the confederation in each sporting discipline,” he said. In his explanations, he cited as a concrete example the case of the Barea of ​​Madagascar. For him, their success at the African Cup of Nations (Can) stems from the decisions taken by the former president of the African Football Confederation (Caf). “No one can refute this reality,” he said.
Therefore, he evokes the usefulness of a national policy which supports the presidents of the national federations who seek a continental position in their respective discipline. “Countries like Mauritius or Egypt are very strong in this area,” he suggested.


But to promote Malagasy sport in general and Malagasy judo in particular, being president of African confederations is not enough. In his speech, the president of the UAJ evokes the importance of state support. Thus, he praised the initiative of the State to build sports infrastructures in the four corners of the island. However, he invites him to do more to make Malagasy sport shine on the outdoor scene. “Without the commitment of the State to the athletes, no result is to be hoped for,” he said.



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