50 years reflecting archery on our pages

Undoubtedly, the sport of bow and arrow, either in its competitive form or as a simple individual hobby, it was appreciated by many Argentines in 1972, when the Weekend magazine. From the first issue of that month of October, names like Lidia Caggiano, doctor Miguel Alejandro Copello or engineer Osvaldo Lazzaron (passed away in mid-2020 when he was past 90), are common for several years in archery notes and loose information.

Towards the end of that initial period, organized by the Argentine Archery Association (AAA) the first National Archery Tournament City of Buenos Aires is held, a good reason to develop in different deliveries of Weekend the different equipment and preparation requirements demanded by these disputes, divided into categories Ladies and Gentlemen, and Free and Instinctive.

In the magazine’s first decade, Miguel Izaguirre is the main specialist and writes numerous articles on elements, techniques, mental and physical preparation, among other topics. Sport was considered a philosophy of life and, therefore, ethical and psychological concepts are not strange.

Surprise a lid: in October 1972, the famous actor Juan Carlos Altavista He does not appear dressed in his classic character, Minguito Tinguitella, but with a bow and arrow. In the note where he is interviewed, he expresses his passion for this hobby. Also, in other notes, there will be no lack of legendary evocations about two mythical characters of the bow and arrow: William Tell and Robin Hood.


It is the time (March 1974) when the boom of this sportand leads to the foundation of the Argentine Archery Federation, which had its own field on Avenida del Tejar 4,500 (currently Parque Sarmiento on Avenida Balbín), in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Saavedra.

The arrows demanded several notes in the beginning: the material with which they were built (wood or aluminum); the different uses, such as flying, target shooting, fishing, hunting large or small animals; the edges and their care …


As with shooting with firearms, hearchery is one of the very few hobbies that, in its version outside the competitive area (both are included even in the Olympic Games), the magazine has accommodated it in different decades ppresenting, in many cases, the innovations in materials for bows and arrows that technology is providing. It is also one of the few in which girls were included in the covers, fleeting appearances in search of readers at the beginning of the monthly.

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