[방송]’Racquet Boys’ Kim Sang-kyung regrets his immature behavior… He was serious about the badminton club

The sincerity of ‘Racquet Boys’ reached Sang-Kyung Kim.

In the SBS ‘Racket Boys’ broadcast on the 8th, the growth of Hyeon-jong (Kim Sang-kyung) and Hae-gang (Tang Jun-sang) was depicted.

On this day, as King Hyeonjong made a mistake, the contest was canceled, and the children showed encouragement to Hyeonjong.

In response, Hyeonjong put director Bae (Shin Jung-geun) in front of him and said, “I’d rather be lucky. We lose together every day, but the kids will always get hurt, and it will be a total defeat anyway. As they are elite players, participation is not meaningful. It’s meaningful to win.”

Coach Bae said, “Of course, there is no team that only focuses on participation. You have to win to get results. by the way. If we don’t even participate, our kids won’t even start and lose. You lose before you even try. Wouldn’t children have to have a goal to follow along?”, but Hyunjong replied, “No. The kids liked it too. Don’t worry too much.”

On this day, the lead coach came to the school and discussed the dismantling of the badminton club for budget reasons, and Hyunjong said, “Isn’t this really a big deal?” What Hyeonjong was concerned about was the reaction of the children. Director Bae said, “You should not know. Did you see the kids when they said the application was cut off? I will be very careful.” But Yong-tae (Kim Kang-hoon) was listening to their conversation. When Yong-tae asked, “Aren’t you really disbanding?”, neither Hyeon-jong nor director Bae waved his hand, saying it was absolutely not.

In this process, what Hyeonjong realized was the sincerity of the children. Then Hyunjong said, “Actually, my goal was to maintain the badminton club. That way you don’t lose money and get a job. But I don’t know what to do anymore. What should I do now?” he said worriedly.

Director Bae said, “If it’s me. Do you think you should think about what your children need the most? Sponsorship interests are all important. I think kids need a good coach. I need a real coach,” he encouraged Hyunjong.

Hyeonjong, desperate, said to the children, “There will be no competition like this one in the future. The teacher will promise.” He promised a change. Insol also joined the Racquet Boys.

The sea has also changed. What surprised the children with the promise of “I will work hard now”. In the first place, Haegang gave up badminton because of the backstory of the former members. At the end of the play, Haegang, who calls his teammates ‘friends’, is depicted, giving a pleasant lingering impression.

Reporter Hyemi Lee [email protected] / Photo = ‘Racket Boys’ broadcast screen capture

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[저작권자(c) YTN & YTN plus 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]



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