Vitamin E protagonist by Gino Sorbillo

Naples reopens to events and wellness: with “Beauty, sport and good taste“, In the wonderful location of the Pizzeria Gino Sorbillo Mother Yeast to the Sea, Partenope crowns the extraordinary properties of vitamin E in three essential fields of our existence: beauty, physical activity and proper nutrition. Each of these fields is present with its exceptional representative:

  • For the beauty of the entrepreneur Rossella Giaquinto (Nausicaa Beauty Institute);
  • For physical activity the judo master Gianni Maddaloni (palestra Star Judo Club);
  • For proper nutrition the landlord, Gino Sorbillo, which like no one brings Naples pizza to the world.
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Beauty, sport and good taste: the characteristics of the event

beauty Gianni Maddaloni, Rossella Giaquintobeauty Gianni Maddaloni, Rossella Giaquinto
Gianni Maddaloni and Rossella Giaquinto

The occasion of the event is the official presentation of the new one Vitamin E of beauty, distributed by Roen Cosmetics, strongly desired by Rossella Giaquinto and tested by the University of Naples Federico II. The product, in which vitamin E and essential oils are enriched with Coenzyme Q10, becomes more functional and attentive to the consumer’s needs. In fact, now it is contained in a glass jar, with a special dispenser to avoid waste.

In short, beauty and sustainability will always go hand in hand. Just like beauty and sport: part of the proceeds from the sale of the product will represent an aid for the sportsmen of the Star Judo Club, Gianni Maddaloni’s gym that has long been a defense of legality in a complex neighborhood like that of Scampia.

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Beauty, sport and good taste: the word to the protagonists


beautyThe event saw the donation by Nausicaa through the Cooperative Credit Bank of Naples, (represented by its Deputy Director, Ferdinando Flagiello) of a check of 5,000 in favor of the Star Judo Club. The words of Gianni Maddaloni were precious in this regard, who thanked those who demonstrate concretely and every day that they are in favor of the territory. This was followed by a small refreshment offered by Gino Sorbillo and yes Sannio Consortium for the Protection of Wines (represented by its president, Libero Rillo). The protagonists of the event then spoke to the microphones of Informa-Press

Rossella Giaquinto: “Naples and vitamin E, the way to the future passes through beauty”

rossella giaquinto

rossella giaquintoVitamin E and research from the Neapolitan heart: today’s event celebrates a winning combination, right?

Today is the first point of arrival of a path that has been going on for three years and that has seen all our commitment and all our courage, because we never stopped even during the pandemic. Focusing on Vitamin E and its beauty properties was a winning choice; after all, our tests have been approved by the University of Naples Federico II and this is for us a source of pride and drive to reach new goals.

The road to beauty always reserves new discoveries: what will your next step be?

Three years ago we decided to work on 3 vitamins: vitamin A, C and E. Our next step will be to continue the studies on vitamin C, which are already well advanced, and then those on vitamin A. Beauty, health and well-being go hand in hand, and Europe also says this; just read Goal 3 of the 2030 Agenda (“Ensuring health and well-being for all and for all ages”). “

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Gianni Maddaloni: the beauty between reality and representation

Gianni Maddaloni

Gianni MaddaloniJudo master, but also life teacher, with a story celebrated by Rai in the fiction “L’oro di Scampia”. How does Naples change between reality and television transposition?

Sometimes the representation of Naples on television pays off a debt, which is the debt to the suburbs. The suburbs can say many beautiful things, it is enough to give them the opportunities to do so. And there are many stories that arise from this. The gold of Scampia stops the narrative in the year 2000, but the best is what came later, the Maddaloni path, which favors the redemption of many difficult situations through sport. It is about sport, education, civilization and Naples is full of glorious families who carry on their style along this path.
Here, it would take a second time of the television representation on these families. On good examples that can be contrasted with bad examples, for now, much more famous. “

What is beauty for you?

“Beauty is in the care of the body, which becomes exterior and interior beauty because it means attention to oneself and the search for excellence to feel good in every field. Excellences that are each represented here by Rossella Giaquinto and Gino Sorbillo. “

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Gino sorbillo: “Pizza is the tastiest meeting point between different realities”

Gino Sorbillo, pizza binds excellences like nothing in the world …

Pizza unites. Pizza and good wine, just like today. And united we are stronger, both in creating and in forgetting the difficult period we have lived through. Events like today’s show that in Naples you can also network in different fields. It is the meeting of forces, hearts and energies that makes the difference. In short, it can be done! “

And if you add a splendid panorama like that of seafront of Naples and a spring day that looks at summer, the way of beauty becomes a dream that has never been so concrete.


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