Verdun. In May 1971, the caravan turned around at the entrance to Génicourt

Caravan accident._ At the entrance to Génicourt-sur-Meuse, a Dutch motorist who was going on vacation with his family felt the direction of his car slipping away from him. The towed caravan having turned sideways, the car ended its course in the ditch and the caravan turned over. The gendarmes of Lacroix-sur-Meuse and Verdun regulated the traffic while the road was cut. An Ets Billiotte lifting machine came to clear the road while the unfortunate holidaymakers recovered their scattered belongings in shock.

Patrick Frich, champion de France._ The Verdun high school sports association, which has several hundred practitioners, distinguishes itself each year at the national level. Pierre Huraux in fencing, Patrick Chaudelet in judo have already been rewarded and now it is in swimming, in Lyon, that Patrick Frich has been crowned French ASSU champion. A final year student and member of the SAV swimming, Patrick improved two Lorraine records last March in the 100m and 200m backstroke.

Lorraine land at the episcopal palace._ In the presence of Louis Thomas Jourdan, president of the Arts Club at the Council of Europe, the guests were guided to the steps of the bishopric by the Amandines who thus made their first official outing. The Honorary Gallery designed by Robert de Cotte hosted the literary aristocracy of our province. And André Leclerc, president of Terre lorraine, recalled his objective of “maintaining, preserving and promoting the talents of all”.

SNCF retirees in assembly. With more than 500 members, the Verdun section of SNCF retirees held its general assembly at the Maison du Travail under the chairmanship of Mr. Poncelet, president of the Union Est. And among the questions addressed by Mr. Laparra, the burning subject of the revaluation of pensions and widows’ pensions held a central place. The idea is indeed to index them to wages to maintain the purchasing power of the former.


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