trans people will be able to participate in official competitions next season – Liberation

The French Rugby Federation (FFR) on Monday became the first French sports federation to include trans athletes in its regulations. The announcement fell on the World Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia: from next season, trans people will be able to join rugby teams and participate in all official competitions. For the governing body of French rugby, “It was time for the practice of rugby to be consistent with the life we ​​have chosen, and not the one assigned to us”.

The federation, she explains, relied on the federal Cadet commission (Anti-discrimination and equal treatment Commission) “In order to initiate a real change for the full and unconditional integration of the LGBT + community in rugby”. Trans people will thus be able to play in all the official competitions organized by the FFR, provided that they are recognized administratively.

Restrictions for trans women

However, very specific criteria will frame this provision. Trans men will not be under any restrictions. In contrast, trans women “Not operated” will have to certify that they “Have been on hormonal treatment for at least twelve months” and not exceeding the threshold of 5 nanomoles / liter of testosterone level. A commission will also study each case within two months. “To validate the inequity of templates exceeding the median standard and in a spirit of inclusion”, according to the FFR.

In October, World Rugby recommended that trans women not compete in its elite or international women’s competitions, during which “Size, strength, power and speed are crucial”, car “Safety and fairness do not [peuvent] be insured “ to cisgender women. “On the other hand, this provision should not prevent the national federations from showing flexibility in their application of the directives in amateur rugby”, added the International Rugby Federation.

Ubiquitous LGBTphobia in Sport

LGBTphobia in sport has long been denounced by activists. The bill for “Democratize sport in France”, adopted in march, had already disappointed the associations. In a letter addressed to the Minister of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, published by Release, the representatives of these associations expected from this bill “Legislative provisions to combat discrimination against lesbians, gays, bi, trans and intersex people”. Which, in their eyes, had absolutely not been done with this law.

However, homosexuality, bisexuality or transidentity are the targets of prejudice or aggression, as the last report of SOS Homophobie noted in May 2020. Even going so far as to make the practice of sport inaccessible to trans or intersex people, as was the case until then in official rugby competitions.



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