“Tomori sure”. Announcement on Donnarumma

Fikayo Tomori © Getty Images

After qualifying for the Champions League, Milan can dedicate themselves to the transfer market. To take stock of the situation linked to the Rossoneri, CMIT TV interviewed Carlo Pellegatti

Carlo Pellegatti, spoke to the microphones of CMIT TV, spoke about the next transfer market of the Milan. The journalist, very close to the Rossoneri colors, had his say on the striker, who will have to join Zlatan Ibrahimovic, but not only: “Milan are very hot on Giroud – Pellegatti admits -. It is one of the priorities, it is a plausible purchase. Milan needs a striker, who when you play with United you are calm if Ibra is not there ”.

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Calciomercato Milan, Pellegatti: “The choice of Donnarumma within 2-3 days”

Juventus transfer market, Donnarumma even without Champions
Gianluigi Donnarumma Milan © Getty Images

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The market ladder – “They told me that within 2-3 days they will resolve the goalkeeper issue. One between Donnarumma and Maignan… the Rossoneri have concrete contact with the French. It just depends on Gigio and his entourage. Milan will take it safe Tomori and then please Kessie, even if the first approach didn’t go well. We cannot fail to renew it immediately ”.

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About Ilicic and Dybala – “I don’t know about Dybala – continues Pellegatti -, Ilicic may be of interest but for 5-6 million. The possible purchase, not easy, for AC Milan that has already tested the ground is De Paul, also because Udinese are interested in several Rossoneri players ”.


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