The XVIII Binéfar Sports Awards Gala announces important investments

The Binéfar Sport Awards Gala, held this Friday at the Municipal Theater and organized by the Town Hall of the town, awarded eight outstanding athletes and entities for his sporting merits during 2019, including Faustino Rami – with a great sporting career – who received the special award from the Department of Sports.

During the gala, the General Director of Sports of the Government of Aragon, Francisco Javier de Diego, who attended the event, announced that the next course will be offered at the IES Sierra de San Quílez a judo sports technification classroom, as well as the collaboration between the City Council and the Government of Aragon for the remodeling of the athletics tracks of CDM Los Olmos and the construction of a new sports hall next to the existing one in the Segalar.

Ad it was very well received for the good representation of the local sport attending the event, which was accompanied by friends and family in this sport festival that is given to them by the Binéfar City Council and in which the sports clubs collaborate, which also presented awards to their most outstanding members .

The mayor of Binéfar, Alfonso Adán, who opened the event, highlighted “the great importance of sport in society, both as a tool for education and for social integration and I believe that at Binéfar we have achieved this goal ”. He added that “transmits values ​​and strengthens our social relationships, promoting the ideals of solidarity, empathy, responsibility, respect and honesty ”. The mayor, quoting Gabriela Ramos, UNESCO Deputy Director General for Social and Human Sciences, concluded that physical education “has the potential to accelerate recovery efforts after Covid and it can help design a “new normal.”

Alfonso Adán, Juan Carlos García -Sports councilor- and Francisco Javier de Diego, were in charge of delivering the awards to the most outstanding athletes in the following categories: award for the best team sports athlete, Andrés Borge (CD Fútbol Base Binéfar); the best female and male promise athletes (up to 17 years old), Alba Sánchez and Vladislav Parechyn (both from the Binéfar Judo Club); to the best absolute female athlete (from 18 years old), Sonia Terrades (The Running Challenge); the best male athlete (from 18 years old), José Bayona (Binéfar Athletics Club); the group with the greatest sporting merits, the children’s team of the Binéfar Athletics Club; the sponsoring company, Fribin (Club Judo Binéfar); Y Special award from the Department of Sports, Faustino Rami, to recognize the trajectory of one of the most outstanding athletes in the town throughout its history, not only as a practitioner and professional athlete, but as an area councilor in the Binéfar City Council, as an organizer of sports camps and for his great contribution in the development of the Los Olmos sports park as a collaborator of the Sports Department, among other merits.

Also the clubs delivered their recognitions, which fell to Isabel Bonet (Binéfar Chess Club), Tania Folch (Binéfar Badminton Club), Antonio Rivas (Binéfar Veterans AD), Benjamin “Mirians” (Binéfar Rhythmic Club), José Antonio Sanmartín (Mountain Litera Club), Adrián Mingote (Binéfar Futsal Club), Cristian Carrera (Binéfar Cycling Club 2010), Luis Serna (Binéfar Kickboxing School), Alberto Navalón (Binéfar Athletics Club), Binéfar Tennis-Pádel Club, Antonio Muñoz (Binéfar Base Soccer Club), Rubén Espadas (ACR Binéfar 77), Lourdes Rina (Binéfar Basketball Club), Pilar Cerezuela (Binéfar Judo Club), Nelson Ballarín (Binéfar CD), Carlos Martínez (Binéfar Shooting Society), Juan Carlos Gatius (Binéfar La Litera Fishermen’s Club).

The event was closed by Juan Carlos García, who began by showing his satisfaction for “being able to hold such a symbolic gala in person”, to continue to apologize for some decisions that have been taken due to the pandemic that may have generated uncertainty and that have led to the suspension of some very significant sporting events, such as the 5 and 10 kilometer races or the sports day on Calle de la Kraba.

He recalled that “these awards are the recognition of your clubs and City Council, not only for your sporting achievements, but for your commitment to people. Sport is, above all, self-improvement, overcome our obstacles and limitations. It is a principle that has a lot to do with education, which is the basic pillar that sustains a society. There is no better investment ”. The mayor pointed out that from the City Council all grant lines have been maintained: for activities, clubs and athletes. In addition, the facilities have been improved and new ones have been opened, such as the neighborhood track, the paddle tennis courts and the pump track.

The Councilor for Sports concluded by noting that “the next challenges and projects that we have set for ourselves are not small. You have to be ambitious because sport requires it in Binéfar to continue improving ”, referring to the announcement by Francisco Javier de Diego.



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